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Over the next week, Scarlett became a permanent fixture around my office. Filing reports, answering phone calls, and bringing coffee whenever I requested it. Of course it took some time for her to get acclimated, which was perfectly fine. I didn't fault her for that. It was one thing to work the front desk and another to help me manage the third floor, but she did it, with a few setbacks. Regardless, I made sure she had the help she needed, one of the other assistants showing her the ropes when able. Naturally, Julia wasn't happy I had pulled a helper from downstairs, but I flashed that sweet pitiful look her way and all was forgiven. Not that I needed any more help up on three. There were plenty of receptionists, assistants, and executives to do my bidding as it was. But it never hurt to have someone around who was easy to look at it.

This was especially true when she came in fleshed out in a cream-colored dress one morning, it hugging her curves in just the right places. I barely heard a word that came out of her mouth when she started reading off messages about God only knows what.

"Mr. Traville from Baxter and Travis called yesterday afternoon while you were in a meeting, I took a message for you. Then Amy picked up your dry cleaning, it's in your closet." She rattled on, but I could have cared less. I caught bits and pieces about meetings, dictations, then the hair on the back of my neck stood up. "Oh, and a Mr. Gregory left a message about the Karlosky report."

"Gregory?" I finally pried my eyes away from her hips and raised them to meet her blue stare. "Stanford Gregory?" Once she nodded, I pushed myself away from the desk and paced towards her. "May I see the message?"

"Of course, sir." It took everything in me to not snatch the paper from her plump little hand, but I controlled myself.

As I scanned over the scribbles, it was obvious that nothing had been said of any importance, just a cryptic message about seeing me at the next shareholders meeting. My lip curled between my teeth, looking the paper up and down.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Sterling?"

I had almost forgotten Scarlett was in the room, glancing back at her. "Yes, just haven't heard from ol' Stanford in a while. He's my contact for the Karlosky project." Shuffling my feet, I headed back to my desk, laying the paper face down. "If he calls again just give him the private number I gave you."

"Of course, sir." She pushed a piece of hair away from her face, and for a moment I wished to be the friction in her dress. "Was there anything else you needed?"

Wrong question to ask.

I needed a lot of things, but she couldn't give me any of them at the moment. I just shook my head, pulling the cigarette pack from the drawer and tapping the bottom. "Not right this second. I will need you for dictation in about half an hour during a meeting with a client. You'll be available, won't you?"

"Yes, sir." She was always so matter a fact with me. So glib. I didn't know if I liked it or if I preferred her to speak her mind. I hadn't quite figured her out yet. Overhearing her talk to some of the other assistants she seemed a little bashful, maybe even awkward, but appearances were often misleading. She hadn't spilled any coffee on me yet, so I took that as a plus.

Lighting my cigarette, I had to wonder, what she thought, if anything, of me. I might have stared and taken in the view like a schoolboy with a crush, but it was innocent enough. Scarlett didn't seem to flinch, apart from the occasional stuttering and adorable flush. Maybe she was immune to the charm I like to think I had over most women, but if she felt anything at all, she was amazing at hiding it.

"If there's nothing else I better get back-" She was trying to make a break for it.

"You know, you can sit down a spell. You don't have to run all the time." The offer must have surprised her, for she just stood there and stared at me with those doe eyes. "Please," I motioned at the chairs in front of my desk. "Sit."

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