11 :: Awkwardness and Unexpected Visits

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The next day at school was marked by an undercurrent of awkwardness. Gojo and Geto kept apologizing whenever their hands brushed against each other or if they found themselves standing too close. Despite their efforts to maintain normalcy, the tension from the previous night lingered, making their interactions a bit strained.

Geto couldn't shake off the confusion he felt. Although he kept telling himself that it was just a game, he found himself missing the feel of Gojo's lips on his. He brushed it off as a fleeting feeling, trying to focus on his classes and the routine of university life.

Later that afternoon, Gojo was surprised to find his mother standing at the door of his dorm room. She was beaming with excitement, her arms open for a hug.

"Mom?" Gojo asked, stepping aside to let her in. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see my only son!" she replied cheerfully, stepping inside. Geto, who had been lounging on his bed, looked up at the unexpected guest.

Gojo's mother glanced around and spotted Geto. "And who's this handsome boy?"

Geto stood up, a bit startled but smiling warmly. "Hi, I'm Suguru Geto. Nice to meet you."

Gojo's mother extended her hand, and Geto shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Geto. What's your major?"

Geto explained a bit about his studies and mentioned he wasn't involved in any sports at the moment. Gojo's mother listened with genuine interest and then turned her attention back to Gojo.

"You know," she said, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia, "Gojo was a champion ice skater when he was younger. He went to all sorts of championships and everything."

Gojo, who had been standing off to the side, shifted uncomfortably. He didn't quite know how to react to his mother's enthusiasm.

"He was so dedicated," she continued, looking at Geto. "He started skating when he was just three years old. But after high school, he just stopped. It became more of a chore than a passion."

Geto's eyes widened with interest. "Really? I didn't know that. Ice skating sounds amazing."

Gojo's mother smiled fondly. "Yes, it was quite something. He was so talented, but he just lost his love for it."

After a while, Gojo's mother said her goodbyes and left the dorm, leaving Gojo and Geto alone again. Geto seemed notably happier after the visit, a smile on his face as he turned to Gojo.

"You know," Geto said, "I think my mom and your mom would get along really well. They seem like they'd have a lot to talk about."

Gojo chuckled softly. "Yeah, they probably would. They both have that knack for making people feel at ease."

Geto then looked at Gojo with a thoughtful expression. "So, why did you stop ice skating? I mean, if you were so good at it."

Gojo sat down on his bed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Honestly, it became more of a burden than something I enjoyed. My coach was really harsh, always pushing me to be perfect. It started to feel like a job rather than something I loved. Eventually, I just lost interest."

Geto nodded, understanding the weight of Gojo's words. "That sounds tough. But ice skating must have been a huge part of your life."

"It was," Gojo agreed. "But sometimes, you have to let go of things that aren't making you happy anymore."

Geto's eyes lit up with an idea. "Hey, why don't we go ice skating together sometime? It might be fun, and you might rekindle some of that old passion."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, a small smile forming on his lips. "You really want to go ice skating?"

"Yeah," Geto said with a grin. "I think it'd be cool. Besides, it sounds like it might be a good way to spend some time together."

Gojo thought for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. I'll think about it."

As they talked, the tension from the previous night seemed to dissolve, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding. Gojo felt a sense of relief at being able to talk openly with Geto, and the prospect of ice skating together gave him something to look forward to.

For now, they both knew that while things might still be a bit awkward, they were moving forward, finding new ways to connect and understand each other.

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