30 :: Cracks Beneath the Surface

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The hot topic of Gojo being gay had finally simmered down, but the underlying tension remained. He was still subjected to stares and backhanded comments. Some people even made homophobic remarks that pierced through his facade of indifference.

On this particular school day, everything seemed to pile up. The whispers, the judgmental glances, and the constant pressure of academic expectations felt like a storm brewing inside him. During a lecture, Gojo's heart began to race uncontrollably. His hearing grew faint, his eyesight dotted with dark spots. He was on the verge of a panic attack.

Without a second thought, Gojo bolted out of the lecture hall, leaving his supplies behind. He sprinted to the nearest bathroom, barely making it before collapsing against the wall. Sliding down to the floor, he gripped his shirt tightly, tears welling in his eyes as he began to hyperventilate.

He could hear his pulse pounding in his ears, each beat louder and more frantic. He tried to catch his breath, but the panic only intensified. His vision blurred further, the cold tiles beneath him offering no comfort.

Just then, Geto burst into the bathroom, having followed him from the lecture hall. Seeing Gojo in such a state, Geto's heart clenched. He rushed to Gojo's side, his hands hovering uncertainly before he knelt down.

"Satoru..." Geto's voice was soft, filled with concern.

Gojo, in his panic, reached out and clung to Geto, pulling him into a tight hug. He grabbed the back of Geto's shirt as if holding on for dear life, his sobs muffled against Geto's chest. Geto wrapped his arms around Gojo, one hand gently playing with his hair, the other rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"It's okay, I'm here," Geto whispered, his voice a calming balm against Gojo's turmoil. "Just breathe, Satoru. Breathe with me."

Gojo tried to follow Geto's lead, matching his breaths with Geto's slow, steady rhythm. Gradually, the hyperventilation eased, and his sobs turned into quiet whimpers. Geto continued to murmur reassurances, his touch never wavering.

After what felt like an eternity, Gojo finally pulled back slightly, his red and puffy eyes meeting Geto's concerned gaze. Even through the tears and exhaustion, Geto found him beautiful. The white eyelashes glistened with tears, his blue eyes striking against the redness of his sclera.

"I'm sorry," Gojo choked out, his voice hoarse. "I... I didn't mean to lose it like that."

Geto shook his head, bringing Gojo back into a tender embrace. "There's nothing to apologize for. You don't have to be strong all the time. It's okay to let it out."

Gojo buried his face in Geto's chest again, finding comfort in the steady heartbeat beneath his ear. "It's just... even though I know I shouldn't focus on what everyone is saying, it's so hard not to when they're all staring at me. I feel like I can't breathe sometimes."

Geto held him tighter, his own heart aching for the pain his friend was enduring. "I know it's hard, Satoru. But you don't have to face it alone. We're all here for you. Me, Shoko, Utahime—we've got your back."

Gojo nodded against Geto's chest, his grip on Geto's shirt loosening slightly as the last of his panic subsided. The warmth of Geto's embrace and the sincerity in his words gave Gojo a fragile sense of peace.

After a few more moments of quiet comfort, Geto gently pulled back, his hands still resting on Gojo's shoulders. "Let's get you out of here, okay? We'll take it one step at a time."

Gojo nodded, allowing Geto to help him to his feet. They exited the bathroom together, Geto's arm securely around Gojo's shoulders, guiding him back to their dorm. The walk back was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, filled with unspoken support and understanding.

Once inside their room, Geto helped Gojo settle on his bed, grabbing a glass of water for him. "Drink this," he said, pressing the glass into Gojo's hands. "It'll help."

Gojo took a sip, his hands still trembling slightly. "Thank you, Suguru. I don't know what I would do without you."

Geto smiled softly, sitting beside Gojo. "You don't have to know. Just remember that I'm here, no matter what."

Gojo nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. The panic had left him drained, but with Geto by his side, he felt a flicker of hope. They sat together in silence, the weight of the day's events slowly lifting, replaced by a sense of solidarity that needed no words.

As the day turned into night, Gojo felt himself drifting off, still leaning against Geto. For the first time in what felt like days, he knew he could face whatever came next. With Geto's steady presence beside him, he could breathe again.

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