32 :: Under The Festival Lights

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A month had passed since the stares and whispers started. Despite the initial fervor dying down, Gojo's anxiety still lingered. The university festival was that night, and Gojo was torn between excitement and dread. The thought of being in such a crowded place made his heart race with anxiety.

He confided in Geto about his fears while they were getting ready. "I'm really nervous about tonight, Suguru. What if I have another panic attack?"

Geto gave him a reassuring smile, gently squeezing his hand. "If you feel uncomfortable or anxious, we'll move to a quieter area, okay? You're not alone in this."

Meanwhile, Utahime and Shoko had been dealing with their anger towards Mei Mei in their own ways. Utahime desperately wanted to confront Mei about her spreading rumors, but she respected Gojo's wishes for no confrontation. Instead, she and Shoko settled for giving Mei the cold shoulder and making snide remarks whenever she was around.

By the time classes ended, it was time to head to the festival. Everyone got ready together, excitement buzzing in the air. Utahime and Shoko finally revealed to the boys that they'd been dating for two months. Gojo and Geto were initially annoyed at being kept in the dark but were ultimately happy for their friends.

As they walked to the festival, Gojo and Geto held hands, just like Utahime and Shoko. The comfort of Geto's touch helped to steady Gojo's nerves. The festival was a dazzling array of lights, sounds, and smells, and despite his anxiety, Gojo found himself getting caught up in the excitement.

They wandered from game booth to game booth, laughing and cheering each other on. Gojo's nerves started to fade, replaced by genuine joy. They played all sorts of games, from ring toss to shooting galleries, winning small prizes and making memories.

After a couple of hours, the novelty began to wear off. Shoko led them to a quiet area away from the main bustle, pulling out a cigarette as she leaned against a tree.

Gojo cringed at the sight and smell. "You know, that stuff isn't good for you," he said, giving her a disapproving look.

Shoko smirked, taking a drag. "And what about all the crap you put in your body, huh? Let's not get started on that."

Everyone laughed, the tension easing as they settled into the quiet.

Geto then pulled Gojo aside, as if they hadn't been holding hands the entire time. He led him a little further away from the group, his expression serious.

"Gojo, I need to talk to you," Geto said, his voice low.

Gojo's heart skipped a beat. "What's up?"

Geto took a deep breath. "I've been meaning to tell you how I feel. I don't want to rush anything or push you into something you're not ready for, but I care about you, a lot."

Gojo looked confused and a little surprised. "But... why? I'm such a mess right now and I—"

Geto interrupted him gently. "I don't care how much of a mess you are. You're my mess, and I'm more than willing to help you through it. I know you'd do the same for me."

Gojo's eyes softened, emotions welling up. "Suguru, I've been attracted to you for a while now. Since we became dorm mates, it's just... grown."

The honesty in their conversation created a tender, intimate moment. Gojo found himself staring into Geto's dark eyes, admiring his bangs and long lashes. His gaze dropped to Geto's lips, and he felt a surge of boldness.

"Can I... kiss you?" Gojo asked quietly, his voice trembling slightly.

Geto's cheeks flushed, and he nodded. "Yes."

Gojo brought a hand up to the side of Geto's face, brushing his thumb across his cheek before leaning in. The kiss was gentle, full of unspoken emotions and tentative love. The world seemed to stand still around them, everything fading except for the sensation of their lips meeting.

Geto's hand moved instinctively to Gojo's waist, pulling him closer. They kissed for what felt like an eternity, neither wanting to break the connection. When they finally pulled away, both were breathless and blushing.

The girls, who had been watching from the sidelines, were silently fangirling, whispering excitedly. "Finally," Shoko muttered. "It's about time."

Hand in hand, Gojo and Geto returned to the group. The rest of the evening was filled with light-hearted chatter and laughter. They wandered through the festival, enjoying the various sights and sounds, before finally heading back to their dorms.

As they walked back, they talked about the night and what it meant for them. "Tonight was... special," Gojo said softly.

"It was," Geto agreed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "And it's just the beginning."

"God, you're so cheesy," Gojo laughed, making Geto a little bit flustered but laugh along too.

When they got back to the dorm, they each took separate showers, the events of the night replaying in their minds. Exhausted but content, they climbed into bed together, fingers laced.

"Good night, Satoru," Geto whispered, his voice filled with affection.

"Good night, Suguru," Gojo replied, snuggling closer.

They weren't officially dating yet, but they both knew their feelings were real. As they drifted off to sleep, they felt a sense of peace, knowing they had each other.

The festival had been a turning point, a night that marked the beginning of something beautiful. Geto made a mental note to plan a romantic date for Gojo, just as Gojo had done for him. But for now, they were content to simply be, wrapped in each other's warmth and the promise of what was to come.

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