Chapter Six: Infinites

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Guys omf thank you so much! I love writing this fic and it's amazing to know that you love reading it! So here we are with another chapter...


*Phil's POV*

It was winter.

Everything was freezing cold (from our feet to our broken heater) and Dan and I were enjoying a casual day in. Christmas was a week away, and Dan and I were in the holiday spirit already; wearing dorky Christmas jumpers and making gingerbread houses. Dan dances around the house singing Christmas carols and I bought tons of candles. And house plants.

I love house plants.

Dan and I were cuddling (you a friendly way. Definitely friendly. We weren't holding hands or anything) under one of our warm striped blankets and watching last year's Christmas episode of Glee. We were just getting into the first ten minutes of the episode when Dan got a text.

"Ugh, shut up management." Dan reached across me to try and grab his phone. "Phiiiiiiil I can't reach it."

"Ask nicely," I say, slapping his hand.

Dan gives me the puppy dog eyes. Both he and Joss do this a lot, and for some reason the puppy dog eyes bend me to their will.

"Please Phil." Dan pouts.

"Fine." I hand him the phone, but not before taking a glance at the screen. "Oh! It's from Joss. Maybe you have a gig."

Dan swipes to the right and unlocks his phone. "No...she's sick. Awww, poor baby. I think I'm gonna go over to her flat and stay with her for a bit. Wanna come?"

I stand up and let the blanket fall to the floor. "As long as she doesn't contaminate me."

Dan laughs.

We drive to Joss' flat with an entire box full of our homemade "You're Sick and That Really Sucks But Have Some Shit That Might Make You Feel Better But Hey Who Even Knows" care package.

Dan and I are very proud of that goddamn care package. It's full of all the things you'll need of you're sick: blankets, books, video games, movies, hand sanitizer, the Fault in Our Stars, every season of Pokemon, and packets of Ramen noodles. And, just for Joss, a venti Caramel Latte from Starbucks.

You're welcome, Joss.

"Hey, Dan?" I ask as we drive to Joss' place. "So, I've been thinking."

"A dangerous pastime." He quotes, looking at me with a smirk.

I twist sideways in my seat and glare at him.

"Are you done?"


"Okay." I take a deep breath and continue. "Why isn't Joss living with your parents? I mean, she's seventeen. She's not legally an adult yet. Shouldn't Joss be living with someone still? She's just a kid, Dan."

Dan runs a hand through his fringe, making it stick up a bit in almost a half-quiff. "As far as the bills and the government and my parents are concerned, the flat is under Dan Howell's name and Joss Howell is traveling across the country as an actress. The flat, however, is lived in by Jocelyn, Dan's manager, who is twenty-four and perfectly capable of living by herself."

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