Chapter One: Tight Jeans and Lattes

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So Imma just hop right in I guess. UM ENJOY AND WHATNOT

*Phil's POV*

I sighed and walked in to Starbucks, my eyes dropping with exhaustion and my hair flipping sadly over my forehead. I had pulled an all-nighter the previous night, and was preparing to do the same now. Going to Uni for law had never been my best decision, but I had to do something with my life.

I ordered my usual latte, pumped with loads of caffeine and chocolate. I sat down to wait on one of the bar stools, my head laying on my arms in the most comfortable way.....

I jerked awake when the door jangled as someone opened it and walked in. I looked up curiously, expecting to see another Uni student preparing to go through the same hell as I was, but instead I was face to face with-

Oh no.

Oh my GOD.

Dan Howell was leaning against the counter with an air of self importance, dressed in a pair of tight black jeans that hung a bit low on his bum and a Fall Out Boy shirt. He looked as pale and flawless as ever.
His chocolate eyes swept the shop and landed on me. I jerked my gaze away quickly, but not quickly enough to see Dan raise his eyebrow and wink at me.


Okay, so I had a bit of a crush on Dan Howell. Who wouldn't, I mean, he's perfect! But I keep my crush on the singer to myself in fear of even more bullying. My mum is the only one who knows I'm gay, but even then all my "friends" have a feeling I am, and ever since we've gone to Uni things have been different.

"Phil," the lady at the counter called in her boring drawl. "Latte."

I hop off the bar stool and hurry over to her, ignoring Dan's heavy gaze and grabbing my latte quickly. I turn to leave and almost make it to the door when a hand closes around my wrist.

"Hey." I almost melt when Dan tugs my wrist a bit. I turn around and to do my best not to hug him. "You're Phil, right?"

"Uhh... Yes?"

Dan laughs, but something seems off. I notice his eyes are red and a bit puffy. Has he been crying?

"I mean, yeah." I shake the thought from my head. "I'm Phil."

"Dan Howell." He looks at my chest. A bit of a blush creeps up to my face when I realize I'm wearing my "Existence End" shirt, which is Dan's newest album. "But it looks like you already know who I am." He laughs again, a little fuller this time.

"Yeah, I really like your music." Dan's music is pretty different from the other music I listen to. It's more down-to-earth, more truthful. It talks about lost love and dying and all that depressing stuff. I liked it because it was relatable.

Dan smirked at me. "Sit and have your coffee with me."

"I-uh-um," I stuttered, "I have papers to write for Uni." Oh, good job Phil, now you've made yourself look boring.

"Oh no, Phil. I wasn't asking." Dan grabbed his coffee with one hand and my wrist with the other. "Uni is boring, anyway. Luckily, I got a get out of free card."

That's right. Dan had been singing and acting for about two years now, since he was twenty one. No Uni for him.

We sat at a table near the back of Starbucks. It was deserted except for us, and it was strange to see Dan Howell sitting across from me, sipping some caramel concoction.

"Tell me about yourself." Dan demands.

I shrug and wrap my hands around my cup. "There isn't much to tell. I've lived in England my whole life, went to school like every other kid, and now I'm studying law at Uni."

Dan wrinkled his nose and took another sip. "No, none of that stuff. It's boring. I'm talking hobbies, weird quirks, your thoughts about a one night stand..." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I blushed and tried to ignore the last comment. "Well...honestly, I like filming and stuff. But that sort of career can be risky with income. So I'm studying law, which is pretty boring. Speaking of, I have a paper..."
I went to stand up, but Dan's next question shocked me.

"Are you gay?"

I looked at him, surprised. "Well...yeah." I admitted, sitting back down.

Dan nodded. "Bi, myself. I've lived my life being bullied by idiots who didn't understand and peasants who thought their posh homes gave them full access to the "Beat Up Dan Howell" show." He watched my face for a second. "And I have a feeling you've been through the same thing."

I nod, a bit dazed. Who would have known that Dan Howell is just as relatable as his music?

"So, your vague understanding of this is why I picked you."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Yes, picked you, now pay attention." Dan slid a piece of paper and a pen towards me. "This is a bit of a contract. If you can move in with me and deal with me for a bit, you'll find steady paychecks arriving in your mailbox each month. My management wants me to get my life back on track or whatever. The drugs and other stuff apparently ruined my image." Dan rolled his eyes. "You look like a decent person with a good taste in music, and you've been able to handle me so far, so all you have to do is sign."

I looked up at him. "Seriously? We just met and you think I'm going to move in with you, YOU, Dan Howell himself."

"Yes?" Dan raised an eyebrow.

"Than you are absolutely correct." I picked up the pen, scanned the contract, and signed my name on the line.

I know, I know. Stranger danger and whatnot. But Dan Howell isn't a stranger to me anymore. He understands my thoughts and ideas, and he's been through everything I've been through. Also, he's famous. And pretty hot. That's a bonus.

"Nice." Dan grinned and took the paper back after I'd signed my name and put down my address and phone number. "My management team will pick you up tomorrow morning, noon or so." He stood up and took one last sip of his coffee. "Nice to meet you Phil Lester." Dan winked on his way out. "Oh, and do me a favor- drop out of Uni or something. Now THAT will definitely ruin my image."

Despite myself, I smiled.


Now that's quite the beginning tbh. I'm gonna try and update AT LEAST once a week, sometimes twice if the chapters are shorter.

I really hoped you liked it :/ my writing skills don't suck too bad....right?

Sassy Dan is just...yum.

Alright people you know the drill: vote, comment, follow!!!

Loooove youuuuu

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