Chapter Two: Management and Gay Splurging

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Hello, children! I have returned from my month long nap!

You laugh but I'm not kidding.



okay, I'm done. Sorry. I have A LOT of energy for some reason.

I have no clue why I decided to wait a whole freaking month to upload, it's literally awful and guilt trippy.

Oh's probably because my parents are evil and won't get better WiFi and ours is AWFUL! So I'm actually updating this from the Hot Topic changing room... -_-

Sorry, I'm rambling. I'll just get on with it.

*Phil's POV*

I was woken up from my sleep by a sharp knocking on my door. I groaned and turned over to see the clock, bolting up when I see the time. Noon already? Dan's management knocked on my door again, a little louder this time.

"Just a minute, sorry!" I called and wiggled on a pair of sweatpants, grabbing my glasses from the bedside table. It's far too early to fight the contacts.

I had been up late talking with my professor. He didn't understand why I, one of his better students, would want to drop out of the class without an explanation. I told him I wasn't dropping out, just taking a break until I got settled into my new flat.

I opened the door and instead of seeing a scary management guy, I saw Dan.

"Oh.." I was suddenly conscious of the fact that I hadn't shaved or showered yet, and my glasses probably weren't that attractive either. "Hi, Dan. What's up."

"I've come to take you to our new flat, that's what's up." He peered around me at my messy living room. "Dammit Phil, have you even packed?"

I smacked myself on the head. "I knew there was something I forgot. Uh...come inside while I throw some stuff into a bag. Make yourself comfortable."

Dan did just that, throwing himself onto my couch with ease.

I ran into my room and grabbed an old sports bag I had back in the days when I tried to play rugby for my school. I packed a few pairs of jeans and some sweatpants and my collection of crazy tee shirts. I love my tee shirts.

I hurried to the bathroom and grabbed some various necessities, like my contacts and a toothbrush. I didn't know how long the contract would be going on, but I figured I could always come back to my flat if I needed.

I went back to the living room and stood awkwardly at the front door while Dan channel surfed the TV. "Uh, Dan?" I asked. "You ready, then?"

"Just waiting for you, Lester." He turned off the TV and joined me outside as I locked up my flat. "My manager is going to want to explain some things to you, so just hang tight and listen." Dan advised me. "But on the bright side, we brought this bad boy."

My mouth gaped at the stretch limo that was casually parked in the parking lot, taking up a good four spaces.

"Rule number one of living with Dan Howell," Dan said as he opened the door for me before sliding into the limo himself, "either we ride in style or we don't ride at all."

I ran my hand along the leather seats. "This is amazing."

"Uh huh." Dan leaned his head back against the seat, one of his hands resting dangerously close to my thigh.

I stared around the limo and jolted when I realized another woman was sitting in the limo. She was long-legged and elegant looking, wearing a pair of black pants and a flowered shirt. Her brown hair was piled into a bun on top of her head and her eyes were concealed by large black sunglasses. Pearl earrings shone at her ears.

"Hello, Philip." She said. Her accent was heavy and her voice a bit slow. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jocelyn, Dan's manager."

"Hi, Jocelyn." I suddenly felt small and awkward. "Uh, Phil is just fine, though. I never go by Philip."

"Very well." Jocelyn fidgeted with her sunglasses. "So Phil, I believe we have some things to go over, since you'll be posing as Dan's boyfriend for quite a while. So first of all-"

"I'm sorry, boyfriend?" I sat up straighter and glared at Dan accusingly. "You said roommate, nothing about me being your boyfriend!"

Dan chewed the inside of his cheek. "Oops, must have forgotten to mention it..."

Jocelyn said. "I'm sorry Phil, but the two- year contract has already been signed. There's no going back now, I'm afraid. Are you ready to continue?"

I sighed and leaned back against the seat again. "I guess."

"Good." Jocelyn inched forward a bit in her seat. "I'm sure Dan has mentioned that the reason for this while stunt was to convince the media that he's getting his life back on track, and his image will obviously improve a bit. Now, there are some rules: you will not be allowed to share any of Dan's personal life with the media, only the things we tell you are alright to talk about. Second, you two are allowed to go out together at any time you like, but you cannot go out on dates with other boys or girls or whatever your sexuality decides. You have to act one hundred percent in love at all times in public. There are some dates that are mandatory, and I have them all marked down in this folder." Jocelyn handed me a thick accordion folder. "Those are all the basic rules, but there are a few more, so both of you boys should definitely study that."

The limo stopped outside a large apartment building which would apparently be my new home for a while. It was a tall and wide, made of white brick and looking obnoxiously high end. Dan groaned.

"Come on, Jocelyn." He complained. "Isn't this a bit pretentious?"

"Yes, it is, but you splurged on it because you want the love of your life to have only the best." Jocelyn sighed.

I turned to Dan. "Thanks for splurging." I said sarcastically.

"No problem, sweetheart." Dan shot back.

Dan opened the limo door and we were about to get out to see the new flat when Jocelyn stopped us.

"Wait, boys, there's one last rule." She looked at us somewhat accusingly. "No matter how realistic Dan's management may make it seem, this is still a stunt. We're okay with kissing and being romantic in public, but in private you two are to remain simply friends. The last thing I need is you two falling in love for real. A true relationship is strictly forbidden. Understood?"

"Yeah, whatever." Dan grabbed my wrist again and pulled me from the limo. "Don't take Jocelyn too seriously." He advised. "She's pretty uptight for someone her age."

I shrugged.

"Besides." Dan gave me a little wink. "How the hell will she find out if we're banging at night?"

Although the flirty joke was meant to cheer me up, I still felt that sick, heavy feeling in my stomach.



Was it good? Love it? Hate it? Feel the need to stab someone in the eyes because of pheels?

Ha ha ha...ha....don't kill me.

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Also, I will make it my mission to try desperately hard to respond to every single comment!

Love you all for taking time out of your day to read my phanfic and my obnoxiously long author's notes!!


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