Chapter Four: Ed Sheeran and Comforter Cuddles

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Hey nerds!!

How are you? Have I mentioned how beautiful you look today? Because daaaaaamn honey c:

I literally loved writing this chappie okay it was like a cuteness overload. It's pretty short but hey: it's adorable.

Let's go, then :)

*Dan's POV*

I sigh as the episode of Death Note ends and the screen goes black. Phil and I were just finishing up our nightly ritual and were coming to the part where we say goodnight and head our separate ways. It's the part that hurts me the most because I know the hell that Phil's about to go through.

It's been a week since the morning we went to get pancakes and Phil's sleeping schedule is getting worse each night. He gets about two hours of sleep at night and takes small naps throughout the day, refusing to stay in bed for over forty minutes at a time. I still don't know what the problem is, and lack the courage to ask him.

"Well, that's enough anime for one night, don't you think?" Phil stretched and tries his best to look awake, but I can see from the groggy look in his eyes he dozed through the episode. "Night, Dan. See you tomorrow."

I hold my breath as he walks out. "Phil, wait!" I call as I hear the door to his room open.

"What?" He asks, popping his head back into the lounge. "Is something wrong?"

I almost have to force the question out, my throat is so dry. "Stay with me tonight. In my bed." I manage to croak.

Phil's eyes soften. "Dan, your management..."

"Screw management, Phil." I shake some hair out of my eyes. "You're so tired lately, and I know you'll sleep better with me, Phil. I don't know how but I'm sure of it. I'm just trying to help you, Phil, so if you'd stop worrying about my damn management and let me make everything better, that'd be great!"

I hadn't noticed that I'd raised my voice, but I can tell from the wounded look on Phil's face that I did.

"Oh, Phil." I'm sure to keep my voice softer this time. "I'm sorry... Just, promise me this. If you really can't sleep, come over to my room. No matter what."

Phil gives me a goofy little smile. "I promise."

And he does. It's about an hour later when I'm laying in bed trying not to fall asleep in case Phil needs me. In a way, the creaking of my opening door is a bit of a blessing because the wait was killing me.

"Phil?" I sit up in bed and my heart almost melts at the sight before me. Phil stands by my bed, illuminated by the light from the hallway. He wears sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt, glasses knocked crookedly to one side and hair ruffled. He's adorable.

And then it hits me: Phil's crying. Tears are sliding down his face and he's sniffling uncontrollably.

"Aww, Phil." I hold out my arms and Phil dives into my embrace without questioning it. It feels so good to finally hold him for real, not just as a staged hug for the cameras. I wrap my arms around Phil's neck and he holds onto my waist, tears soaking through my shirt.

And it's then that I realize the reason for Phil's insomnia.

"Nightmares." I whisper, more to myself than Phil. "You have nightmares don't you?"

Phil seems to calm himself down and loosens his hold on me, though not letting go completely. "Yeah." He murmurs. "At least in college I was able to use all-nighters as an excuse not to sleep. Then when I started living with you they got better, but all of a sudden they've been worse than ever before."

"What do you dream about?" I ask.

At the simple memory of his nightmares Phil shudders and pulls me close again. "Whoa, okay, you're okay." I hold him for a bit and rock him back and forth. "It's okay Phil, I've got you."

This seems to calm him down. I turn off the lights and close the door, leading Phil to my bed slowly so we don't trip over anything. I help tuck his small, sobbing body into the covers and then climb in next to him.

"See?" I whisper, holding onto Phil as he cries. "Isn't this much better than being alone and getting almost no sleep?"

Phil nods against my shoulder. "Sing to me." He requests.

I smile and wrack my brain until I find the perfect song, something a little more pop than what I usually sing. It's a song I've been saving all my life to sing at the right moment and although this isn't what I imagined, it's definitely the right time.

I start off singing with something that's just above a hum, and then a bit of a whisper. It's only at the final refrain that I have the courage to actually sing it.

"And it's dark in a cold December
But I've got you to keep me warm
If you're broken I will mend you
And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on

I'm out of touch
I'm out of luck
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And after all these things I've done
I think I love you better now

I'm out of sight
I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done
I will love you better now."

I pause and wait a few seconds, wondering how Phil will react. After a minute I triumphantly realize that Phil's asleep. "See, baby, isn't that nice?" I make a little humming noise and rearrange us so my chest presses against his back and our fingers are intertwined.

It feels so good to hold him this way, after waiting for so long. For the first time in forever I feel at home again, all warm and fuzzy and safe. It seems like things are finally going my way.

"Everything's coming up Howell." I tell Phil jokingly, closing my eyes and beginning to dose off myself.

But before I can fully drift off into sleep, I feel Phil's lips press against my knuckles.


Awww omf I can't.

Sometimes I surprise myself with the stuff I can write considering the fact that I never do cute shit with people.

(Hint hint be my friend and come cuddle with me plz)

Okay bye!!!!! Do the comment/vote/ share thing PLEASE because it really does motivate me and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to read your comments.

Bye Felicia


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