| chapter 1.5 |

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"AIZAWA-SENSEI SENT A TEXT. He can't pick us up, so we'll have to take the train," Akame announced, her eyes glued to her phone as she read the message. The trio had just finished their supplementary class and were preparing to head home.

Bakugou let out a frustrated sigh. "Tch, fine. Let's get going."

After bidding farewell and waiting for the Shiketsu High students to leave, the three of them began their walk, with Bakugou leading the way to the train station. Akame found herself once again sandwiched between Bakugou and Todoroki. The closeness was suffocating, especially since they didn't seem to grasp what she had told them—or worse, they had chosen to ignore it.

They're like leeches...

"Do you have band practice later, Bakugou?" Todoroki asked, breaking the silence.

"No, thanks to these stupid supplementary classes. Not that it matters. I've already nailed the chords. Ears is drilling Bird Brain and Dunce Face." Bakugou replied, his usual smugness seeping through.

"Ah! My oranges!"

Akame turned to see a few oranges rolling away from a shopping bag on the sidewalk. She instinctively moved to help, picking up the fruit and handing it to a woman who still looked young and strikingly familiar.

"Thank you so much! You're very kind," the woman said, flashing a warm smile as she took the oranges from Akame's arms and placed them into a new shopping bag.

"Old hag?"

The woman's face immediately twisted in annoyance as she turned to face Bakugou. "Katsuki! How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

Bakugou crossed his arms, his scowl deepening. "I'll call you whatever I want! What are you even doing here?"

"I had a meeting with a client nearby and stopped to pick up some groceries."

Akame and Todoroki exchanged glances as they watched the woman slap Bakugou's head, but the boy didn't fight back, although he was clearly annoyed. The resemblance between the two was uncanny, like a female version of Bakugou.

"Eh, wait a minute," the woman released her pinch on Bakugou's cheek and turned to them with sudden realization as she looked back and forth between Akame and Todoroki. "Aren't you Katsuki's soulmates?"

Todoroki nodded politely, glancing at Bakugou, who was now reluctantly carrying his mother's shopping bags. "Yes, ma'am. And you must be Bakugou's—sorry, Katsuki's—mother?" He took the initiative to carry Bakugou's costume suitcase that was placed on the ground.

"That's right!" she replied, her face beaming with pride. "I'm Mitsuki. It's so nice to finally meet you two. You must be Todoroki and Akame."

Both of them nodded, offering polite bows, though still slightly stunned by how much Bakugou resembled his mother.

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