Artemis and Apollo

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Alex pov

Somehow my bed is more comfortable than usual , it feels like I'm swimming in a sea of sheets and pillows. I can hear birds chirping and water running like a pond or lake. I can hear nature.


I jump out of the bed and land on wooden floors. But they aren't mine. What the hell is going on?

The room I'm in has a huge window to my right with forest trees, sunlight peeking through almost blindly and birds flying around, playing. The room itself however is pretty neat. With wooden furniture and glass figures on each surface, it looks like one of those wood aesthetic rooms in a furniture store.

In front of me is a wooden door facing the queen or king sized bed. I grab my gun from where I laid and take the safety off before approaching the door slowly and carefully. All I can hear aside from the creaking floors are voices. I feel puzzled. Multiple voices?

Where am I?

Leaning against the door I listen to the muffling.

"...leave it to you to piss dad off" a woman?

"Wasn't exactly trying this time" I perk up hearing Ares. Did he take me here?

"You sure? Cause every time something like this happens it was one of your great ideas" another male...

"I wasn't messing around Apollo, I was defending myself and she played victim. But you know what I was pissed at the most? How all of you "jumped" in to save me when Zeus beat the shit out of me"

I heard another sign, "You don't give me a choice, Ares"

I turn the knob slowly and the door creaks. Shit! My eyes widen as three people's heads snap in my direction, all wearing the same furrowed brows. We all sort of froze just staring at each other wondering what to do next.

Who the hell are these people?

The woman speaks next, "She's pretty" she smiles at me leading Ares to glare at her. Weird. She has light brown skin with a head full of curls almost like mine but somehow more perfect, her smile seems infectious if you weren't trying so hard not to smile too. She seems radiant and she glows in the middle of the room with the golden sunshine on her back and her pale pink dress as she kneels in front of Ares with an ink stained cloth in her hands and a small vile.


"And she has a gun" The other male says looking at the weapon in my hands pointing to the floor. He has a firm aura and stance with his arms crossed in his leather jacket. He held the same complexion as the woman on the floor but his shorter curls are kinkier, his brows are thick and his lips have a brown hue in the firm line they're in. Around his neck is a gold necklace with a pendant I can't see from here. He's beautiful. They all are.

So I was kidnapped by models? Model Gods? God Models? I need a nap.

"Where am I?" I held up the gun switching from person to person to aim at. Ares rolls his eyes on the chair and stood up walking towards me. He's tall and muscular in the best way, his stride is tense and his grey eyes pierce mine like a storm late at night. The black tattoos on his arm looks like small images that blended together to create a story of some kind, leading down his torso and down his V-line. Wow.

Greek God indeed.

His eyes and mine make four as he stood in front of me and grabs the gun crushing the metal into nothing but dented parts on the floor. I gasp, the handle is the only thing left in my hands. Asshole!

"You point something else at me I'm seriously gonna shove them up-


"I'd like to see you try" I seethe. Where the hell am I getting the confidence from??

He glares at me with his chest heaving. He really does look like a fallen angel.

"Everyone this is Alex" he mutters. My heart jumps at the mention of my name from his lips, pink and stern like the man behind him.

"Apollo," the other man says, leaning against the wall.

The woman I saw earlier bounces over along with her curls, she's almost as tall as Ares as she smiles at me. Her stature is muscular but so slightly, she's lean and her hair seems to move with her. Does that even make sense? She stretches her hand out, "Hi, I'm Artemis Goddess of nature and hunting"

Holy shit.


She pulls me into a hug and squeezes. Seriously, how strong are these people?! 

Ares walks back to the other male after Artemis abruptly lets me go and steps back with her eyes narrowed. Do I smell or something? Her hazel eyes don't blink as she takes me in, moving me side to side and closer and further. 

She looks back at Apollo who gives her a look. Her hazel eyes bore back into mine as she studies my face, her lips pursed as she grabs my hand and tugs up the sleeve of my shirt. "Uh hello?" I ask, looking at Ares who shrugs at me from across the room.

Her head snaps up at me again and she leans in closer to my face. She smells like lilies. And she glistens in the sun with a golden arm cuff around her bicep in the shape of a deer.

"Do you by any chance have a weird birthmark on the right side of your upper back?" I stare at her perplexed. Is she for real?

How did she even know that?

Apollo walks up and grabs her shoulders pulling her back. But she kept that curious look on her face. Ares watches the entire thing from the wall opposite of me, now in a black hoodie and black baggy jeans. His gold and silver rings still on his fingers from last night and that stupid necklace.

"It was just a rumor Artemis there's no way she could be.." Apollo stares at me from head to toe. I can't read him. But he isn't harsh or intimidating, his gaze is gentle and curious.

What's with these people and the staring?

Seriously they're gorgeous but Jesus!

"Could be what?" Ares and I say in unison. A mutual glare being sent each way.

"How can you even see us right now?" Apollo asks and Artemis turns around and starts pacing. 

"Uh, because I can see?" Duh.

He shakes his head, "No, humans can't see us-Matter of fact how did you even manage to stab my brother?" Brother?

Maybe I did need to pay attention to Greek Mythology. Of course they're siblings.

"Your asshole of a brother tried to kill my father-"

"Because he chained me to a ceiling-"

"Yes, after you destroyed his rose garden with your huge back-"

"Who the fuck has a field of roses?!"

"My dad does!"

The screaming match went on till I heard Artemis again, "They even fight like it" she smirks and Apollo chuckles. 

Ares' head snaps to them, "Okay Cathy and Karen care to share with the class as to why she's linked to me?"


I look back at him, "Linked to you? What the hell do you mean linked to you?" I step forward, missing the broken metal on the floor. Was this some sick joke? Were cameras hidden behind the fucking couch?

The twins share a look.

"Means I can't go anywhere without you sweetheart" Ares gives a tight-lipped smile.


"We have to see Athena," Apollo orders then walks out with Artemis. The twins disappear into thin air and I gasp. What. the. fuck. 

I didn't realize I wasn't breathing until I looked at the blonde in front of me with dark, narrow eyes. They just disappeared. INTO THIN AIR. My chest starts pounding and my head feels dizzy. I want to go home.

Ares sighs and bee lines for me, I back up but he takes my hand and suddenly we're somewhere else AGAIN.



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