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Ares pov

I wince getting up to my feet, the red scars on my back from the whips and lashes had dug deep and are now indented into my skin. Blood drips onto the floor and stains the white material of my shirt. My sore hands are throbbing and dry, my wrists are pained and bound by thick, heavy chains. Chains that leave deep red gashes that are not easy on the eye.

The dungeon doors sent an irritable sound throughout the jail, I lean against the damp wall of my cell hanging onto every rare and heavy breath that comes out. My hair hung above my eyes as I glare at the corner waiting for the golden boy Apollo to come around with his judgemental stare and "favorite son" aura. His heavy boots slap onto the wet floors, sending a slight buzz into my skull. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins, the air had become thick once his golden crown glistens in the stubborn dim light from Olympus' sun.

His hazel eyes meet mine, narrowed and prideful, his back straight and his shoulders back. He stood like a fucking peacock but he stopped caring after I'd mocked him countless times . His hazel eyes are completely made of steel and his brown skin is scar-less.

 He radiated "Zeus' bitch" with the lightning bolt crest on his chest.

I roll my eyes when he put his hands behind his back, leans against the dirty white column beside my cell and looks me up and down.

"If you're here to call me out on my bullshit Apollo, I'm good, I can already hear the "you're a bad son" speech from Zeus" I roll my eyes and straightened my body. How pathetic I must look right now. Clothes torn, bloody and beaten, eyes red and sweaty. I must be hideous to even lay eyes upon.

"Are you not ashamed Ares? Or at least disgusted with what happened just now?" My jaw is set and his eyes practically pierce my soul. I approach the rusted bars of my cell, the smell of rotting flesh evident in the air. I smirk at Apollo in which his face hardens.

"Ashamed? No. Satisfied? Yes." His demeanor didn't shift, in fact he didn't even blink. I guess he's grown used to my antics. What a shame, I always liked the reactions.

He scoffs, "Satisfied with the fact that everyone now thinks you're a homicidal maniac? In that case congratulations Ares, I am so proud of the idiot you've become"

I glare at him, the anger rushing through every vein and artery in my body. My teeth feel like shattering at any moment and the grip my hands had on the bars is deadly. "You think I'm asking for any fucking attention Apollo?" I turn my back to him "this is what you fucking did to me" I seethe, my eyes burning with rage, something I wasn't a stranger to.

His eyes didn't even look and that pissed me off even more. "Grow up" he said and a part of me wishes he was in here, so I could wrap these chains around his neck and strangle him, so I could watch the divine life shudder and slip from his eyes, to watch one of Zeus' favorite fall at my hands, or in this case the bloody, rusty and infected chains.

"How about you grow up?" I struggle towards the wall again, pathetically trying to hide the utter weakness I feel in my bones. Apollo comes closer and my grey eyes catches his once again.

"Excuse me?"

"Apollo, God of sun, light, healing and whatever other bullshit they gave you, but more commonly known as Zeus' bitch. Personally I wouldn't want my father's dick in my mouth but you must really enjoy swallowing your siblings" I laugh, the dried blood from my nose cracking as I amuse myself.

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