Golden tension

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Alex pov pt.2

I cursed for the 15th time when my hair wouldn't cooperate. I tried everything and the bird's nest I call curls wouldn't stop poofing at the top. Yea this ponytail sucks. I rolled my eyes and resorted to the last option. More gel. I slapped some on my head and smoothed down the sides and got the ponytail right. I slumped down, breathing hard as my head throbbed. Finally motherfucker.

I ran into my room and slipped on some sneakers before grabbing my purse. Grey scrubs top? Check. Grey scrubs pants? Check. Purse? Check. ID? Che- son of a bitch. I run back into the room and grab it before slamming the front door shut and closing it with the key.

"Holy shi- Artemis what the hell?!" I almost jump out of my skin when the huntress herself smiles down at me with her bright eyes shining in the rising sun. She wore a yellow sundress with puffed sleeves and a stringed bow in the slightly ruffled front. Her curls were as perfect as the day I saw her and she still smelled of lilies.

"Are you a doctor or something?" She takes my ID examining the picture on the front with knitted brows, flipping from front to back. I slowly pry it from her hands.

"Uh pharmacist and I'm already running late so...bye" I move past her but she follows. Of course she does.

"Have you given any thought to what you heard from the fates?" I freeze with the car keys in hand. No I haven't. I didn't give a thought to the amount of celestial beings I met in 72 hours, the fact that I was in Olympus, the thought that I have a mind link to the literal God of War, that I met the fates, that I'm a God-killer. I didn't stare into my ceiling running thought after thought in my head about how schizophrenic I must be to imagine all of this. And I sure as hell didn't take 5 pills trying to sleep last night after hearing how loudly Daniel was snoring in the living room.

I sigh, closing my eyes tight before opening the door and throwing my purse into the passenger seat. I stare at her, an angel silently and patiently waiting with a soft smile on her light lips.

Even with the annoyance heating in my head I couldn't throw my keys at her or run her over for making me late. Truth is I liked her the moment she linked her arms with me in Athens.

"What do you want from me, Artemis?" I ask, I sound defeated and she steps closer.

"I wanted to invite you to dinner to get to know you, so you can know my family. We're here for you"

Her family?

The same family I'm destined to kill? Am I hearing this right?



"With a bunch of Gods?"


"Who I'm destined to kill? Doesn't sound like a fun evening"

Her eyes widen and she gives a tight lipped smile. "Trust me no one will notice you, it'll be a bunch of people from all over Olympus celebrating Hera and my father. Plus you'll be with me, Apollo and Ares."


His ring spread warmth throughout my hand as I twirled the band around my finger. I thought about him a lot last night. How easily he made my heart beat out of my chest and how beautiful his eyes were. Maybe seeing him again isn't a bad idea. I have so many questions about the ring and about what it is he thinks is gonna attack me.

"Fine. What time does this celebration start anyway?" her eyes shine as she clasps her hands together and disappears. What the- where'd she go? She appears next to me and I jump. Yea, this is definitely how I'm gonna die. From a freaking heart attack.

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