In front of my salad...

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Ares pov

I sat rigidly in my seat as the hall cleared and the doors opened to the courtyard where sirens performed water tricks and centaurs told jokes and did stunts. However our table was still full with Zeus' children and his brothers.

We ate in a stiff silence and Athena kept glancing at me tapping her nails on the table. She'll give me the signal.

I could feel the tension writhing in my bones and throughout my veins. The only thing that seemed to calm me down was the warmth radiating off of the cloaked woman by my side and her intoxicating smell, roses. She ate her fruits in silence and I couldn't help but glance at the ring on her finger.

Kind of weird how tingly I feel seeing it on her.

Is it weird?

I stare at her through the corner of my eye as she laughs at Artemis throwing grapes silently at Dionysus who was fighting his drunken sleep as we speak. The corner of her lips rose as she chuckled in her seat. The sound was...calming and I caught myself smiling a little too.

What's happening to me???

I've never seen a human so close let alone been around one for more than 5 mins, it was driving me insane how much I tried to tear my eyes away from her and couldn't. It was like staring at the sunset in silence. Watching beauty unfold in front of you. Bliss.

I need to stop reading Shakespeare. Fuck.

This is embarrassing. I don't like her. She's nuts like her father, I mean she stabbed me with a fucking rifle and hit me with her car. Not to mention she's the fucking God-killer, she could kill me in my sleep if I snore too loud. Whatever this is, whatever I feel, whatever this link is- is just my infatuation with the human race. Nothing. More.

I rip my eyes away from her and try to drown out the sound of her laughter, I try to ignore her warmth, how her brown eyes glisten in the warm light, how her brown skin blesses mine with a single touch every time she leans forward.

I'm burning Romeo and Juliet.

The sound of a fork clatters onto a dish and everyone pauses and glances to the biggest seat in the room. My jaw clenches when Athena's tapping stops and Artemis looks at me then towards Apollo who sighs but keeps his eyes down.


"I thought I told you not to come home" his voice booms through the mostly empty room and I dig my nails into my hands.

"And when have I ever listened to you?" I ask, staring forward, right through Artemis and towards the door. Stares are cut between me and Zeus.

"Did the lightning bolt not rip you apart? Are you back for more pain Ares?" My teeth feel like shattering and I can feel the strength coursing through my veins. Athena begins tapping again and Dionysus is sipping a little too loudly.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Your little lightning bolt hurt for a second, it was underwhelming to be honest, I expected more from the powerful and almighty Zeus" I smirked, eyeing him down the row.

"Ares" Uncle Hades whispers and I don't spare him the glance. The little human shrinks into her seat.

"I should've sent it through your head" He bares his teeth and flicks Hera's hand off her arm. She gasps and leans away towards Apollo who wouldn't look up.

Frozen in time, are we?

You don't give me a choice Ares.

"I'm right here, do it" I say and mother looks at me.

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