Bitch fit

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Alex pov

I rush through the rose fields, the violent wind in my clumped up wet locks as my breath stays hitched in my throat. A furious thunder roars above me as the dark sky almost turns black. The violent rain slaps my skin like tiny specks of glass cutting through skin. My voice echoes loudly across the field, I know that. I can feel my throat vibrating with each sound but the sweet deafening sound of thunder makes me want to scream even louder.

My father stays crouched down in the middle of the field, completely in a trance with whatever lays in the roses, but what makes my skin crawl and my blood run cold is the furious crowd of lightning dancing around him. Completely thick and full lines of lightning stay rooted from the clouds above me to the deep Earth.


But he doesn't even acknowledge me as I race to him, my feet tired as they stutter upon nearing the walls of lightning. My eyes widen as they reach out to shock me, my hands grip the rifle in my hand as I stumble back.

My eyes zero in on my father mumbling incoherent words as he searches something in front of him. My brows furrow as my breath finally lets loose. A limp body, male to be exact, lays unconscious in the middle of our roses completely gone as my father examines him.

"Dad c'mon this is dangerous! We're in the middle of a storm!" I yell as the rain beats my flesh, my hood completely blown off from the rain. My father's once blue eyes meet mine, his pupils black and blown wide.

What the hell?

"Go inside" his voice is emotionless and the thunder rolls with it sending a chill down my spine. The lightning strikes again hitting the ground beside me and I nearly jump out of my flesh. His head turns back slowly to the body. My father raises his hands in the air and my lips part at the blood on them from the "dead" man.

"Σε ακούω Δία!" he yells and I grab my rifle, my veins hot as I hit the lightning with the end of the rifle, the thick line of electricity moves as I part it. My teeth grind together as my arms strain to hold the lightning apart. The rain becomes harsher as I pry my way into the circle.

"Alex get out of here!"

My body hits the muddy roses and the rifle falls from my hands. I pant, crawling towards my father as he reaches for me. He grabs my upper arm and steadies me then goes back to his chanting in Greek. I watch him keenly as my heart hammers in my chest. Another chill goes down my spine as I take in the man in front of us.

Dirty blonde hair, rose pink lips, a strong build with abs and muscles evident on his body. But the part that draws my attention the most is the huge gash in his chest, specifically over his heart. Blood oozes everywhere and my eyes must've deceived me earlier because his black?

The black liquid painting roses, both red and pink now a dying and evil black. And my father's fingers are covered in it, like he'd dragged the body here and went crazy.

I grab my father's hands, "Dad we have to go now, this isn't safe!" I yell as lightning strikes above us. I flinch harshly but my father smiles with complete insanity washing over his features and my head spins with the urgency to get out.

"Zeus banished him Alex, Zeus sent one of his children" he smiles at him, pearly whites shining in the light from the lightning. It makes sense why his life's work decorated the floors of his office in the cabin, why his prized possessions from all over Greece are sat anywhere and everywhere. He thinks he finally found a God.

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