Chapter 8

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Holding my breath I hoped that Hayes would show up now. To just get here sooner than later. I already felt terrified. Truthfully at this point I wasn't sure what Luke wanted.

"What the hell are you doing here." I said. I had no energy from the hours I had cried not long ago.

"I heard you have been sneaking around with a member of that band from Coachella. What's the name? August moon or whatever."

"Why does it matter to you? It's not like it's any of your business." I stated.

He took a few steps towards me.

"NO! Don't come near me!" Just seven more minutes, I thought to myself. Hurry Hayes please.

Luke stopped, the look in his eyes made me nervous. It took me a second to realize I was shaking so I tried my best to not let it show, if at all possible.

"I want you!" He finally spoke. The tone of his voice felt off.

"No! I'm happy, I want nothing to do with you so you should leave." I said.

"No!" He reached for my arm and grabbed it forcefully.

I tried to pull my arm away but it was useless. I felt weak, maybe I was weak. I guess I should I took that defence class back in school.

"What are you doing?" I cried out as he was pulling me in a direction of where I could see his car was.

"LUKE!! LET TO OF ME!" I tried to scream but from hours of crying, my voice just cracked.

We were at his car when out of nowhere Desmond came in full swinging and took Luke down. It happened so fast it took me a second to realize what just happened.


"Yeah I'm okay!" It was almost a whisper.

Luke got up and looked at Desmond.

"You're insane!" Luke said to him before putting his attention on Hayes and I.

"I knew it!" Luke spoke, he was laughing at us.

"I knew you were fucking that guy from August Moon, what a downgrade." He finished.

"Upgrade by far!" I said rather calmly.

"So this must be Luke. You stay the fuck away from Amy. You don't get to go near her anymore." Hayes said. There was anger in his eyes.

"You want a virgin?" Luke laughed.

"I'm not a virgin anymore!" I stated.

Luke looked like he went pale but I could just be imagining it too.

"Get out of here! NOW! Hayes, Amy, go back to the car." Desmond said.

I turned away from Luke as Hayes took my hand and we headed for the car.

"AMY! I came here to tell you one thing!" I heard Luke call out to me. I turned around, Hayes squeezing my hand gently, turned around as well.

"I was the one who hit ran into your mom's car." Luke said with a disgusting smirk on his face.

I have  never wanted to punch someone so hard in my life. I was now a mixed of emotions. Pissed, upset, happy because my mom is okay, but also sad as to why Luke would do such a thing even though he is a shitty person.

I could feel that Hayes is angry. I could feel the energy of anger radiating off of him. Desmond looked horrified, Hayes' looked pissed which was new to me and I liked him better when he looked so sweet and mysterious but that was besides the point. Hayes started walking towards him, his first in a ball. I jogged up to him before he could do something that he may regret. I didnt want Hayes to get hurt and I knew that Hayes was the "pretty face" of August Moon and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Wait!" I whispered to Hayes. He looked at me and for a second his anger faded as did mine.

"He is the fucking reason why your mom could have died. He also hurt you a lot and not to mention he tried to what? Kidnap you?" Hayes sounded but angry and sad, it was a mix.

"Hey, I know but I'm not hurt by him anymore and my mom is okay. She's okay! I've got this, let me handle it." I said calmly.

Hayes nodded. I leaned in and kissed him, knowing full well that Luke was looking at us and this could possibly make Luke more angry but I didn't care. For once I was happy and I just didn't care.

I pulled away and turned to walk up to Luke.

"Why did you do it, I need to know." I asked, giving him one chance to explain himself. By the way he smirked I knew it was on purpose so before anything I just wanted to know why.

Luke looked me in the eyes, his face as serious as it could be, and without hesitation he said "It was the only way I could know where you would be so I could take you as you should be mine." Luke said.

"You are a piece of shit psychopath!" Hayes said. He was getting angry and I could hear him coming up behind me.

I turned around to stop Hayes. I have my hands on his chest as he was looking at Luke, anger filling his eyes. I reached up to touch his face. His eyes softened as he looked down at me. I leaned in and kissed him, this time deeply and full of passion. Hayes hesitated at first but then kissed me back, his lips moving in perfect rhythm with mine. I pulled away after about fifteen seconds of sweetness then turned to look at Luke.

"I never want to see you again. I never want you near me or my mom again or I will call Desmond here or the police. Stay away and FUCK YOU!" With that I did something I never in my life would have done before. I punched him in the face. I looked at Desmond who seemed impressed and then at Hayes who seemed surprised.

"Damn! I never expected that! That was hot!" Hayes said, now smiling.

"That was very impressive Amy!" Desmond said.

"Thank you both! Now shall we leave for Paris? I'm ready now." I said with a smile.

Hayes grabbed my hand and led me to the car while Desmond stayed with Luke until he left which only took a few seconds, thankfully.

It took us a couple hours before we were able to get on the plane. When we got on the plane Hayes introduced me to everyone but we didn't make a big deal out of it as his band mates and girlfriends or whatever seemed like they were occupied by laughing and talking about dumb shit so we just took our seats in the back where it was a bit more quiet.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I will do my best to not let anything happen to you." Hayes said as he was rubbing my thigh.

"It's okay Hayes, really, and thank you. I know you wont let anything happen to me." I replied.

He leaned in and kissed me. It felt liked the type of kiss you would do if you felt like it would be the last time.

Once we pulled away I thought for a moment. Were we moving too fast, why did I jump into this right away, what were his intentions. Fuck I hate overthinking.

"Hayes, are we moving too fast. Like with us, whatever we are. We've only recently met and we slept together, which was my decision I know but are we going fast? What are your intentions?" I realized I said all of this out loud and I instantly regretted it. Especially after seeing his smile drop, as if I hurt him in some way.

"Do you want to take it slower? I guess it moved fast but I like you a lot and this feels real to me. My intentions is to know you, to know all of you, and to be with you. You didn't care who I was, who I am to the world. You treat me like a person, not like someone who's famous and for the first time I feel something that I haven't felt before, only when I'm with you."Hayes said.

"No, this is perfect, honestly. I like you a lot too. This also feels real to me and I love every second of us." I laid my head on his shoulder and looked out the window. The clouds were beautiful.

Hayes kissed the top of my head and I found myself drifting to sleep. Soon enough I'll be waking up in Paris.

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