Chapter 3

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It has been three days since Coachella and it's the day I have to work. I had the weekend plus Monday off in which I hadn't done much. Olivia had stopped by a few times to check on me though I assured her that I'm okay. I just needed some time to myself, which was the truth.

I still couldn't believe what Luke had said at Coachella, in front of everyone, including Hayes. It was safe to say, I hadn't heard from Luke since which is what I not be bothered by him again.

Hayes. I thought about what Liv had said to Hayes about where I work and why he were interested in knowing my name and what I do for a living.  I shrugged it off and went to get ready for work.

When I arrived at The Sunset Bar, my co-worker Lily decided to meet me in the back.

"It is so dead tonight. There's only five people here." She complained.

Lily had long black hair, that was tied back into a perfect bun. She wore black leggings and a black crop top to match, showing her tiny tattoo of a rose just below her neck.

I was dressed similar. I wore my hair in a high ponytail, with just a few strands of hair on the sides of my face, with black leggings and a white shirt.

"It's a Tuesday night, not a lot of people come here on Tuesday night." I replied, tossing my bag on the hook next to the door.

"Yeah, I know but it would be more fun if there were."  She hated being bored at work.

"You just want something entertaining to happen, or someone to flirt with." I said with a grin and raised a brow.

"You know me too well! Nights like tonight are always men who are old and unattractive who just want to have a few drinks and watch the game."

I laughed at that.

The night went by slowly, too slowly. Lily and I practically talked the whole time about the bar, guys, and life in general.

My shift was almost over. Lily asked me if she could leave an hour early. I told her it was no problem and that I'd lock up. There was only one man here anyways.

By the time the man left I was tired. It had been a long shift but the last hour really got to me. I cleaned up the glasses from the tables, turned off all of the lights, locked the front door, then went in the back room. I grabbed my bag and headed out the back door, locking it behind me. As I was doing so I heard a voice, which made me jumped but in that moment I realized I knew this voice. Hayes Campbell.

"Hi" He said, his voice still as calm as ever.

I turned around to face him. He was wearing a dark sweater, that I couldn't make out the colours, with black pants, and a grey cap. He looked so attractive and there was something comforting about him that I couldn't figure out.

"Hi" I said. I couldn't tell if I felt shy or awkward.

It was quiet for a moment. I was unsure what to do or say so I just stood there, making eye contact for what felt like minutes even though it was only a few seconds.

"I'm sorry but the bar just closed."

"I'm here to see you!"

He's here to see me? I thought to myself.

"If it's about Coachella, I'm fine. I'm great actually. It was nothing.." I started rambling on but he cut me off.

"It was a horrible thing to do, he shouldn't have done that to you and I regret not stopping it or going after you. I seen the look on your face. I was worried about you and I wanted to see you again, that's why I asked your friend about you." Hayes said.

"Hayes, I truly appreciate that you want to make sure that I'm okay, but why do you want to see me again, especially this late." I checked my phone. It's  3:15AM.

"I never met anyone like you. Everyone knows me as Hayes Campbell that's in the band August Moon, but that isn't who I am. It's not all of me didn't seem to care." He finished saying.

I stared at him for a moment. This feeling was so intense, I wondered if he could feel it too. If my heart was pulsing like crazy again I didn't seem to notice. All I could notice was his eyes, the tone of his voice, and the fact that I needed to get some sleep.

The fact that Hayes Campbell came to see me at my work place, meant more to me than even I knew was possible. He gave me the sense that maybe not all guys are the same. I was unsure about letting anyone get close to me, even Hayes. It was a battle with my mind and my heart. Fuck it, I thought to myself.

"Thank you! I think. Um, if you'd like I will give you my number. It's late! I need to go home and get some rest, I..." I stopped to think. When was the last time I slept? Or ate something? I became dizzy, and just like that everything went black.

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