Chapter 11

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"DAMN IT HAYES!" I yelled with tears bursting from my eyes and with that I ran outside, heading down the street in the pouring rain, not knowing where I was going.

4 hours earlier

Getting ready seemed to of been so stressful. Even though I knew Hayes had seen me naked, I still wanted to dress nicely for our date. After spending about thirty minutes trying to figure out what to wear and how to do my hair, I decided that I took long enough so I left my hair down and zipped into a black dress. The dress was perfect. It showed all of my curves which was exactly what I wanted.

I walked outside to where Desmond was standing by the car talking to Hayes, who had his back towards me. Desmond was the first to look up and to my surprise, his jaw dropped for a split second before he closed his mouth.

Hayes turned around. His eyebrows went up as he looked at me. I watched his eyes slowly look me down and up, taking in every inch of me.

"You look amazing!" Hayes said, his eyes now looking directly into mine. My cheeks felt hot.

"And you look handsome!" I said in return.

He was wearing a black leather jacket with black pants to fit. His hair was a tad bit messy but in a sexy way.

Hayes opened the door for me. I took a seat in the middle as I wanted to be close enough to cuddle in the backseat, it was all I could think about in this moment....or other things if I'm being honest with myself.

Hayes took a seat next to me and closed the door gently.

"Desmond, take us to any good restaurant." Hayes said and with that Desmond started driving.

We arrived at a restaurant called "Sphére", it was a smaller restaurant than to what I've been which was fine by me.

Hayes and I sat in a corner towards the back, where I felt was the best table to sit at. A waitress came over over with menus but Hayes spoke immediately.

"We'll have the special!" Hayes told the waitress. She nodded then walked away.

"You've been here before?" I asked, giving Hayes a weird look.

"No!" He pointed to the front where there was a sign with some kind of fancy food and the word "Spéciale" which was the only word I could understand.

"I pay attention to the signs. I don't know much French but it'll be a surprise to the both of us." He finished saying.

I laughed. Tonight was going to be full of surprises.

"So, I brought you here because I want to ask you something." Hayes started saying. He seemed to of been serious now.

"Would you consider getting a place with me?" He asked.

The question took me by surprise.

"As in living together?" I asked. Hayes nodded slowly.

"Where would we live?" I asked.

"Anywhere you want." He said.

It took me a minute to think. My job. My mom. My best friend Olivia. There was so much to think about but before I could stop myself from speaking I spoke.


I don't think Hayes ever looked so happy and relieved at the same time. He reached over the table to hold my hands. Here and there he gently rubbed his thumb over my hands, causing little sparks to go off inside of my body, like electricity.

The waitress came over with our food and I noticed she kept her eyes peeled on Hayes with a bright smile, she must be a fan. As she placed here food down, her smile faded but she kept her eyes on Hayes, she not once looked at me. Hayes gave her a casual smile but looked to of been a bit awkward. Before she walked away she said "here's the special!".

Before I had the chance to take a bite, Oliver suddenly approached our table. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. As I looked at Oliver, he had the same smirk on his face and in this moment I knew he was going to be an ass.

"Mind if I join?" He asked though he took a seat beside Hayes before we could give an answer.

"What are you doing here?" Hayes asked annoyed.

"To see my favourite couple of course." Oliver replied. Hayes looked to or been uncomfortable.

"You know, the waitress here is Hayes ex." Ollie said.

"Not now Oliver!" Hayes said, clearly getting upset.

"Actually, now is the perfect time!" I replied, causing Hayes to look at me, his face was unreadable.

Hayes didn't speak, it was Oliver who continued this conversation.

"You know, the bartender and clueless. Though it appears she's a waitress now." He laughs at that.

"Hayes hasn't been here before, it's not like he knew about it." I said to Oliver.

"Is that what Hayes told you?" Oliver raised his eyebrows, this time causing a reaction from Hayes.

"Oliver enough!" Hayes' voice becoming a bit raised.

This time I spoke to Hayes.

"Have you been here before?" I asked Hayes. "Did you know she worked here?"

Hayes looked at me, his eyes locked to mine. His face softened a bit but the longer he hesitated the more I felt I already knew the answer.

"I told Desmond to take us somewhere special and not as busy. I've only been here once and I did know she worked here but I didn't know Desmond would take us here until we showed up. By that time I thought maybe she wouldn't be working today....I'm sorry." Hayes said.

I was quiet.

"I felt her eyes on me, I smiled to be nice but I paid to attention to her. Nothing will ever happen between her and I, my interest is all on you." Hayes continued softly.

My concern wasn't about her to be honest. It was about the fact he lied, even though it was a small lie, it felt big to me. If he had told me it wouldn't mean anything to me and I wouldn't worry, but knowing that he lied once it made me think if he's ever lied to me again.

"You lied. I know it was a small lie but you lied to me about being here before, about knowing she worked here, what else have you lied to me about and why would you lie to me?" I spoke.

"Are you serious? I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing. I just wanted to have this amazing evening with you, I never lied to you about anything else." Hayes said. My mind was spinning.

"He seen her yesterday too!" Oliver said, causing my breathing to practically stop.

"OLIVER WHAT THE FUCK?" Hayes yelled.

"DAMN IT HAYES!" I yelled with tears bursting from my eyes and with that I ran outside, heading down the street in the pouring rain, not knowing where I was going.

Feel Everything | Hayes CampbellWhere stories live. Discover now