Chapter 7

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"We're almost there!" Hayes spoke.

We are on the way to the airport, sitting in the back of car with Desmond driving. I had been staring out of the window to see the beautiful buildings. I hadn't been this far out of the city in a while.

I took Hayes' hand in mind, gently rubbing my thumb over the top of his hand, smiling. I have to admit I'm excited for Paris but also very nervous being around his band mates and perhaps other room, or a bunch a teens.

Hayes and I disguised ourselves as I didn't want others to notice me and take photos, and Hayes felt the same even though he had grown used to this by now surely.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Olivia, of course. I answered on the first ring.

"Hey, I'm actually on the way to the airport so I can't.." I began to say but she cut me off.

"''s your mom. She was in a car accident. It's not good."

My heart stopped.

My father ran off when I was a baby. It was just my mom and I growing up. We are close, and I try to visit her as much as I could which lately had seen like a difficult task as she had almost always been travelling for work.

"Mom!" I choked out. I hadn't realized until now that there were tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Amy. I can stop by the hospital after work but I wanted to tell you myself. It was on the radio." Olivia said.

When I couldn't answer Olivia spoke again.

"I love you! I'll check in with you when I finish." With that she hung up.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Hayes was asking me. He sounded worried though I guess that was normal.

"I can't go to Paris with you. I need to call a taxi. My mom she....she...I need to go to the hospital." I tried to find my words but I could barely breathe.

"Desmond, take us to the hospital now." Hayes demanded.

"You'll miss your flight."

"I don't care!"

"But your shows, your fans." I started to say.

"I don't have anything going on until Wednesday. It's only Sunday and if we have to cancel then so be it." He said. I was truly thankful even though I felt guilty for him missing his flight I also needed him, now more than ever.

The hospital made me feel sick to my stomach just by being there. Hayes and I were in the waiting room. They had brought my mom into surgery earlier and I was waiting to hear back from the doctor.

Hayes held me as if I was fragile, so gently and comforting. He had been holding me for two hours now just letting me cry and rubbing my back here and there.

"Family of Hannah Young." A doctor spoke as he entered the room.

"Yes! I'm her daughter. Is she okay? Can I see her?" I said.

"Surgery went well and we expect her to make a full recovery. She is very lucky. It's a miracle. You may see her but I can only let one visitor at a time. You can follow me." The doctor said.

I nodded and looked at Hayes.

"I'll be right here waiting for you." He said then he kissed me.

I followed the doctor as he led me to a room where my mom was lying. I walked in and looked at her. She looked weak.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" I said as I started to cry.

"Oh sweetheart. I'm okay! Don't you cry!!" My mom said.

"I love you so much!" I said.

"I love you so much too honey!"

I told my mom about Hayes and to my surprise she was so happy about it but told me he better treat me right unlike Luke who was a piece of shit. I laughed at that. The doctor told her she could go home in two days, which was excellent news to me. My mom told me she wanted to have Hayes and I over for supper next week and I told her that it would depend on his shows but if we can make it or when we can come over I'd help her make the supper.

I sent Olivia a text to tell her my mom was okay and that she didn't need to stop by. I'd be heading out anyways, as I told Hayes I would go to Paris. I told my mom that as well and she told me I better go because if not I'll regret it. Paris has been her dream to go there and if she wasn't able to go one day she wanted me to go and experience it. She wouldn't let me stay here with her, not without a fight.

I walked into the hallway, unsure of how to get back to the waiting room. This was my first time being in this hospital and I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings when the doctor brought me to the room.

Ten minutes later I was able to make my way to the waiting room. Looking around, I didn't see Hayes. I took out my phone and called him.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I thought you would have been a while longer. I went with Desmond to grab us some food in case you were hunger." Hayes said.

"I truly appreciate it Hayes. Thank you!" I said.

"We are almost back. I'll be there in ten minutes. How is your mom?"

"She's good, actually she gets to go home in two days. I told her about Paris too. It's been her dream to go there but she's so happy I get to go. She kind of demanded me to go and she wouldn't let me stay here." I laughed.

"That's great news! I'm so glad she's okay Amy. I'm so happy you still want to go to Paris with me."

"Of course Hayes! I also told her about us and she'd love for us to come over for supper sometime."

"That would be nice. I'm looking forward to it."

"I'll meet you outside!"

The freeze was nice against my skin. Not too cold and not too warm. I sat on a bench that was just before the parking lot as I was unsure as to where they would pull up to.

Getting lost in my thoughts. I was startled to hear a voice, someone in which I didn't want to talk to or hear for that matter. I held my breath and turned my head slowly.

"I heard about your mom, that's how I knew how to find you." The man said, standing there looking at me. His dark features, his face expression, his body language, everything scared me in this moment. The man was Luke.

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