Chapter 51

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"Are you sure the moving company will grab everything out of every room?" I ask James for the sixth time. "And who did you say is going to clean after we leave in the morning?"

Andrew sits me down on the couch, it's not very peaceful with the kids running and screaming while playing. "Calm down. You only need to worry about you and Teddy."

"Speaking of which, drink more water." Michael hands me my purple water thermos then continues whatever he had been doing.

"Thank you."

James squats in front of me, "Charlotte darling. The movers will be overseen by my assistant, as will the cleaning crew. There is nothing to worry about. Before you ask, the buyers signed the contract my apartment is officially sold. Everything is finished darling."

I take a long drink of water thinking, "Then what are we forgetting, there's something."

Andrew laughs, "It's already eight p.m, there's nothing. Everything besides the clothes we're wearing tomorrow is in boxes ready to go."

"Mooommmy!" Charley screeches as he goes flying through the living room with a table cloth around his shoulders. "I fly!"

I arch a brow, "Are they unpacking boxes."

Andrew chases after Charley. James pats my leg, "Children report!" He calls. All four scramble to crowd around us by the couch. I see Andrew pick up the discarded tablecloth, fold it and retape the box it was pulled out of. "Now we are getting up before the birds, did anyone leave out a book to read for tonight?" James asks them.

"I have one." Amelia volunteers.

"Not Barbie." Charley protests.

"It's not Barbie, it's Zombies." She scowls at him.

"That will do," I say to them. "Grab your blanket and pillow lets read."

"We're having a sleepover in the living room?" Priscilla asks uneasy.

James and I laugh, "Yes, everyone will be sleeping in the living room all together."

"It will be okay," James tells her, "You can put your pillow by me if you want."

She nods, they all rush off in a frenzy to get ready. I'm not sure how much sleep any of us will be getting tonight. I wish we didn't have the mattress all wrapped up already.

I finish my water, and head to refill it. They've been making sure I drink plenty of water, it's annoying but I get it. The after affects of having to pee directly after are also annoying. I set my bottle down after its filled and rub my swollen hands as I head to the bathroom. I don't remember my hands, feet and eyes getting this swollen with Charley. Maybe it's just from all the water I'm drinking.

Everyone has their pillows and blankets spread across the floor. I see my pillow and favorite fleece blanket spread across the couch. Charley rushes to me, "Here mommy, sleep on couch, you too big for floor."

"Thanks baby." I laugh, nothing like a toddler to tell you the truth.

Michael is standing close to the couch watching to see if I'll ask him for help. I want to roll my eyes at all the over protectiveness, but really they just are showing they care.

As I lower myself down to the couch my back seizes in pain. I freeze, "Michael." I gasp through the pain.

He launches the two feet to help lower me onto the couch, once I'm settled. He kneels next to me, "What was that?" I can see the panic in his eyes and know the others will have a similar expression.

I inhale assessing the pain, it's just a tightness like a contraction now. "I think I had my first big Braxton hicks contraction. Nothing to worry about, it just caught me off guard."

"Do you feel him moving in there?" James asks steadily.

I smile and place my hand on my stomach, he doesn't usually react to light pressure and I have to press a little to get him to acknowledge me. I feel three steady kicks, "he's fine." I sigh.

James nods, "Alright, let's settle in and read a book." He tells the kids. Michael sits on the other side of the couch, lifting my legs into his lap as he starts to knead them. I feel the excess fluid start to release and ease some of the swollenness. I'm not sure that I even hear the first chapter of the book before I'm snoring.


James' alarm blares somewhere near my head far too early in the morning. As much as I want to whine and complain, I can't. I have to be an adult to keep all the kids in line.

"Good morning my loves." I call over the alarm.

"Yeah, yeah." Andrew mumbles from somewhere across the room.

"No." I hear from one of the girls.

James finally shuts off his alarm, "Let's go to the bathroom and hit the road!"

I slowly push myself to my feet while the living room becomes a whirlwind of commotion. I grin seeing the kids dart around grabbing clothes to go change and fighting over the bathroom.

Andrew follows me into the bedroom, "How are you feeling?" He's looking at me from head to toe as if that will really accomplish anything.

I grin, pulling him by his sleep shirt to kiss me. He complies eagerly attacking my mouth before pulling away. "Don't think you can distract me with kisses." He tries to say sternly.

"I'm alright, tired, hungry and I really have to pee." I move around him to head to the bathroom.

"I think we'll stop outside the city for breakfast. I know we have tons of snacks, but I like the idea of something simple and warm." He says voice slightly muffled.

He's changed and ready to go by the time I've washed my hands. I slip out of my pjs and hand them to Andrew which he slips into our shared suitcase. He helps me put on a dark blue maxi dress that fits perfectly and is so much more comfortable than I imagined a dress would be.

"Is everyone ready?" Michael asks our group as we crowd around the door.

"Yes!" The kids cheer.

With the confirmation Andrew and I start taking the kidsand overnight suitcases to the van. We had the other vehicles shipped a weekago, who knew that was even a thing? I load up each kid one at a time helpingthem get their blankets and toys situated. By the time I'm done all three guysare in and ready to go. I'm so happy to leave the city behind and hit the roadfor home.

Of Mountains and Men: A Why Choose RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now