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Professor- Good evening ladies and gentlemen . we welcome you all to the prestigious school 1 min competition today . please take your seats and give a big round of applause to encourage the kids ..The random topics will be given by drawing chits from the bowl and every student will have 1 min , just 1 min to speak ....thank you .

1st student- topic -prayer.......blah blah blah.

Now the next student is Dunk .. " Dunk come and take a chit ".

Dunk comes on stage and draws a chit .. reads the topic .....Joong and his mom is eagerly waiting for him to speak but  

Joong and his mom is eagerly waiting for him to speak but  

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Dunk is silent and starts crying ....Joong is worried....after sometime he only says one word BABA.......BABA...i am sorry . said B.Dunk and turned around to leave 

Joong is shocked can Dunk talk on this topic?

Just when Dunk was about to leave , he heard a voice " BABA.....Baba is the one who loves us sooo much that sometimes we couldn't understand that love ....Baba is the one who makes us realize how good we are that there is no one better than us ....Baba is the one who happiness is our laughter and whose sorrow is greater than our sorrow...Baba is the one without whom we cannot live ...Baba is everything , only we don't have one ....but we have dad and he is also very good....hmmm" Joong said this and  B.Dunk nodded touching his forehead with Joong's forehead 

Joong - "then give me a hug" and both hugged each other on stage . someone from the audience shouted " That's no 1 " and full auditorium was filled with applause .

Back at home , at night -------

Joong is currently playing with a basketball in the living room

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Joong is currently playing with a basketball in the living room .....his mom comes with a tray of tea and starts talking ...

Joong's mom - you know Joong , Mr.Gem ? Mr.Gem was saying the other day .....

Joong interrupted.. " Who Mr.Gem?".....

Mr.Gem our old neighbor ....


She continued- he was talking about the wedding. 

Whose wedding?

My wedding .... She replied annoyed

Then go for it .....said Joong

Shut up 

Ha Ha Ha Ha

By the way he was saying that the girl is very pretty and cultured but i refused .... i did the right thing na Joong ? 

Yes .

Is it right?

Yes mom.

Okay then it must be right....however i never do anything wrong... said Joong's mom. She was sad and She started blabbering .... Joong came to his mother's side and hugged her asking.....

What happened mom?

I don't know Joong... I feel our family is incomplete..

Why you, me and B.Dunk are here i don't feel incomplete....said Joong .

Joong's mom-- you know when i go out with my friends ...everyone talks something about their daughter-in-law's but i can't even do that.....

Joong-- oohhhhh ..pich.....this is a big you want  a daughter-in-law so you can talk ill about her at her back?

No son.. i just want your happiness .

I am happy mom.. very happy..

So you won't get married again?

"Mom" Joong smiled and said "we live once , we die once , we get married once , and love..... we  love only once" we don't repeat it ..

You will somehow manage but what about Baby Dunk?

Why? What happened to him?

Don't you feel he needs a mom/baba?

NO....he's alright.....he's alright....cause he has something which even i don't have ..." Letters of his Baba" Joong said.


That's all for today .....hope you like it 😊

keep voting ⭐and commenting..... thank you 

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