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Nier POV

I began to wake up from sleeping better this time after experiencing that strange nightmare. I still don't know who that was or why they felt so familiar. But it's probably better that I don't think about it. I get up and brush my teeth before putting on my outfit. Something ends up tugging on my belt and I look to see Yonah awake.

Yonah: Don't leave yet. Stay in bed a little longer.

I kneel down a bit to Yonah and hug her.

Nier: I promise that I'll be back before tonight. I'll even get you some of Mama Mia's turkey.

Yonah: Promise?

Nier: Promise.

Yonah hugs me and we let go after a few minutes. I leave the church and head for the Dungeon. It's not sunrise yet, so I figured I'd get there before most and would have more time to keep fighitng and collecting whatever I can get from the monsters. Well, this isn't too different from before. I always got up early with Mom to train, hunt, and fight whatever monster roamed in and outside of our land. I got to the dungeon entrance and to my surprised, I saw Lili there.

Lili: Oh, Nier. Didn't think I'd see you at this time.

Nier: I could say the same for you.

Lili: Well, early bird catches the worm as they say. The sooner I can get in there, the more likely I can make more money form adventuring. I'm pretty sure you're in the same boat.

Nier: I want to get stronger.

Lili: Well, then we can kill two birds with one stone. I'm sure Bell will be coming in a few hours, so why don't we get a headstart?

Nier: Okay, so seventh?

Lili: Actually, I was thinking tenth.

Nier: Tenth? We'll I'm not against it but why you suggest that?

Lili: If you want to get stronger, then why not try to take on monsters that are stronger than usual? If things go wrong, you can just run from them.

I can sense that Lili has an alterior motive for joining up with me. But if I play my cards right, I can prevent her from stealing anything. Actually, there's something else I sense in her. It's a hatred. How can I sense that?

Nier: Alright Tenth it is. But keep in mind that I'll fight my own way. My sword is long enough for any monster that I come across down there.

Lili: I don't doubt that. Where did you get that sword?

Nier: It's a present I got from my mom.

Lili: Still a pretty impressive weapon. Alright, let's enter the dungeon.

Lili and I enter the dungeon and make our way through the levels. Once we made it to the tenth floor. I end up coming across an orc that tries to ambush me. I dodge the attack and cut it's right hand off. For the last attack, I plunge my sword into its heart before slicing its chest open and ripping out the magic stone embedded in it. However, something comes toward me, so I lean out of the way a bit and grab it. It turns out to be an arrow with a string attached. Once I yank it, I end up seeing it's tied to Lili's crossbow.

Nier: You seriously led me all the way down here just to kill me?

Lili: I was planning on stealing whatever valuables you had on you.

Nier: It's the Hestia familia. It's only been around for three weeks at most.

Lili: Every adventurer always has something valuable. No matter how small it is.

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