A Woman, Mages, & the World Serpent

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After more traveling through Midgard, Nier & Yonah arrive at a cliff and see the mountain getting closer to them.

Yonah: Wow.

Nier: Yeah. Wow

Yonah: Never this close to the mountain before. It looks so big.

Nier: Cause we're getting closer to it.

Yonah: I wish Mom was here to see it.

Nier: Me too, Yonah. Me too. Let's keep moving. I think I sense an area with magic.

Yonah: So do I. Any chance we could rest there? Meeting with Brok was nice, but didn't feel like a rest.

Nier: I'll see what we can do. Still strange I've been sensing things like this. Actually, I've been sensing something ever since Mom told me about who I really am.

Yonah: She told me that I wasn't ordinary as well. She still didn't say what I was, but I still began sensing something odd. That might have been the protection stave around the Wild Woods.

Nier: We must be near another one. Let's check it out. Hopefully, they're not psychos.

The siblings keep walking and come across a strange gate with incomplete runes on it. It also has a strange riddle that they think the incomplete rune is the key to solving. Nier activates the gate and it turns so he can use the Frost Axe and Sword to stop the gears in order to complete the rune.

Yonah: Family.

Nier: Is that a clue.

Yonah: It's the answer. "What I alone could never be". Family.

Nier: That bowl containing sand. Try writing he Rune into it with your knife.

Yonah: I need some help to write it.

Nier: Oh yeah. Sorry.

Yonah: It's okay.

Nier gives Yonah a lift and she uses her knife to write the rune into the sand. The sand materializes the rude in front of them and activates the gate which opens up for the two. The sibling then enter it and walk through a cave.

Yonah: I'm really happy we met Brok... but... I'm happier we're leaving this place.

Nier: Same. It's behind us now. Let's head for whatever we're sensing.

They walk through the cave and eventually make it outside. However they hear rustling coming from all around them

*Evil cackling*

Yonah: Brother?

Nier: Stay behind me Yonah. I have a bad feeling these aren't humans. 

Suddenly, arrows appear and the siblings get out of the way. Suddenly, several humanoid creatures with horns, discolored skin, and black eyes appear with swords and daggers.

Nier: Demons!

Demon 1: Hey, it's those runts Seraphim's been taking about.

Demon 2: The spawns of the two that he killed.

Demon 3: He didn't leave a mark on them like he did that woman.

Demon 4: Let's take our time with these two.

Yonah forms her Bow and arrow before aiming at them. The demons charge at the siblings and they fight for their lives. Nier unsheathes his swords and Yonah starts shooting her arrows at the demons. Nier hacks and slashes at those who would harm him and his sister. His anger grows and his strength enhances, but he still has to put effort into fighting them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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