A Stranger Comes

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Somewhere in the forest, Nier stands with Faye's axe in hand. He looks at a tree with a gold handprint on it. He kneels and puts his hand on the tree as he cries and presses his head onto it. He then stands and readies his axe before swinging it on the tree. The first swing cut the tree and Nier keeps chopping it. Every swing, he remembers his mother being there for him and his sister. Every time he recalls a memory, he gets angrier and chops harder. As he recalls his mother right before her death, the last time he'll ever see her smile again, his emotions reach a peak.


Nier strikes the tree and the axe cuts through it. The tree falls and he cries again until he hears small footsteps coming closer. Yonah appears with a bunch of branches.

Yonah: Found some.

Nier: Thanks. Let's head to the boat.

Yonah nods and walks away with the branches. Nier then looks at the fallen tree and walks toward it.

Nier: 'It's been days since mom died. And that wasn't the only thing that changed. Ever since she told me that I had the soul of a god, I've been feeling different. I've been feeling... stronger'.

Nier grabs the tree and lifts it onto his arm without much effort. He walks and catches up with Yonah.

Yonah: Still hard to believe you can do that.

Nier: Same for me. If we go back to the Hestia Familia, please keep this a secret.

Yonah: Don't worry Big Brother. Can I tie it to the boat.

Nier: Sure. I'll just strengthen some parts of the knot if that's okay with you.

Yonah nods as she gets in the boat and Nier puts the log onto the pier before putting a hook on it. Yonah ties the rope to the boat and Nier pushes the log into the river. Nier gets in the boat and starts rowing.

Yonah: Big Brother?

Nier: Yes?

Yonah: Did something else change? The forest feels different now.

Nier: Everything is different. And it will be for a very long time at least. Maybe let's not think about it too much.

Yonah: Maybe you're right.

Nier continues rowing the boat until they reach another pier. The get off the boat and Nier grabs the log before walking with Yonah. They walk through the forest until they make it to the cabin and Nier puts the log down.

Nier: Yonah, can I use the axe for a little longer? I'm not sure my sword is made for this.

Yonah: No worries. I have to get mom ready.

Nier nods and chops the log as Yonah enters the cabin and sees Faye wrapped in cloth on the table. Yonah looks on sadly and enters as she grabs a candle and slowly walks toward her mother's body. She lights the candles around Faye and recites a prayer.

Yonah: Lo, there do I see my mother. Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do they call to me. Lo, there do they call to me.

Yonah then puts the candle down and gently places her hand on Faye's wrapped up body. She then leans in and place her head on the back of her hand.

Yonah: Lo, there do they call to me. Lo, there do they call to me. Lo, there do they call to me.

Nier slowly walks up to Yonah and gently places his hand on her shoulder. Yonah cries before quickly turning around and hugging her brother. Nier hugs her back and after a minute, they break off and Nier picks up their mother.

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