Veil of midnight

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Yoongi revved his bike, the engine's growl resonating through the quiet city streets. The world blurred as he sped through the urban jungle, leaving behind the glaring lights and chaotic noise. He reached the outskirts where the hills loomed, cutting into the horizon. The river shimmered below, reflecting the silver glow of the moon, while the pitch-black road twisted like a serpent, treacherous yet alluring. The wind was sharp, biting at his skin like needles, but Yoongi welcomed the pain, feeling more alive with every sting.

He skidded to a halt at a sharp curve, parking his bike. With deliberate steps, he walked to the edge, the abyss below whispering secrets only the night could keep. He sat down, dangling his legs over the precipice, his hands bracing against the cool earth as he leaned back, eyes locked on the moon. The wind softened, its previous cruelty replaced by a gentle caress, as if it understood the longing in his heart.

He let the sound of the night wash over him, the rustle of leaves, the distant cry of an owl, and the soft melody that escaped his lips. It was a tune as sweet as honey, carried by the wind like a forgotten lullaby. His mind drifted back to simpler times...

"Namjoon... Kookie... It's time to go! The school gates will be closed if we're late," Yoongi's voice echoed through the house. He watched as the two boys hurried down the stairs, their youthful energy filling the space. "Kookie, it's your first day. Please, no fights. Be careful with what you say."

Kookie, the youngest, nodded earnestly. "I know, hyung. I won't let you down. I'll keep my head low and stay out of trouble. I'm fully aware of how important this mission to be succeed I won't make any mistakes"

Yoongi smiled, ruffling Kookie's hair before they all piled into the car. As he started the engine, Namjoon, sitting beside him, voiced his concern. "Hyung, is it necessary for Kookie to go to the same school? It's dangerous."

"He's part of this, Joon. He needs to learn how to handle himself. We can't protect him forever." Yoongi's voice was firm, but there was an underlying worry that Namjoon didn't miss.

They reached the school, and Yoongi turned to Kookie. "Remember, if you're in trouble, find me or Joonie hyung. Don't start any fights."

Kookie grinned, showing his bunny teeth. "Of course, hyung. I'm all about peace." He bolted from the car, leaving his hyungs chuckling at his playful spirit.

As Namjoon got out, he paused. "Aren't you coming, hyung?"

"I've got some business to handle. I'll join the class later, I need to get the details of the mission and meet pops in the base." Yoongi waved him off and drove away, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

Just as he was heading towards his base, a boy darted in front of his car, chasing after a kitten. Yoongi slammed on the brakes, the car screeching to a halt mere inches from the boy. The boy froze, eyes wide with fear, before quickly snatching up the kitten and running off after a hasty apology.

Something about the boy's frantic energy piqued Yoongi's interest. He found himself following the boy, watching as he took the kitten to a nearby veterinary clinic. Curiosity got the better of him, and Yoongi followed inside, observing from the shadows. The boy was being scolded by the doctor, his nose red and runny from sneezing. Yoongi chuckled at the sight, amused by the boy's pitiful attempts to clean his tears with the back of his hand. But then, reality snapped back, and Yoongi reminded himself of his mission. He left as quietly as he had arrived.

Yoongi snapped out of his reverie, pulling out his phone to check Jimin's location. Still at home. He sighed in relief, but something gnawed at his instincts. He climbed back onto his bike and sped home, the unease growing with every mile. He texted namjoon to check with the gaurds once.

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