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Jimin sat in the car, seething silently. His jaw clenched as he replayed the earlier encounter with Yoongi in his head. What was he thinking, ordering me around like that? Like he has any right… Idiot, he thought, staring out of the window. The quiet fury simmered beneath the surface, his emotions tangled between resentment and something he refused to acknowledge. He had been trying to push Yoongi away, yet every day, the man seemed more unshakeable, more in control. That arrogance—that stupid coldness Yoongi carried with him—infuriated Jimin. His thoughts spiraled until the car came to an abrupt stop, jerking him out of his thoughts. They had already arrived at the office building. Jimin shot a glare at Yoongi, who was sitting calmly in the driver’s seat as if nothing was wrong. Without a word, Jimin threw open the car door and stormed out, not even glancing back.

Yoongi watched him leave, his expression unreadable, but he didn’t try to stop him. As soon as Jimin disappeared into the building, Yoongi sighed and pulled out his phone. "Hyung, Jimin came?” he asked when Jin answered on the other end.

“Yes, he just arrived. Where are you?” Jin’s voice was casual, though there was an edge of concern.

Yoongi scoffed. “Do you think I’d let him come here alone? I’m close by, just have a few things to handle. Namjoon’s already there, and Soho will be joining soon. I’ll be back by noon.”

“Alright, alright, my bad,” Jin replied, clearly relieved. “Take care, and don’t forget to let me know you’re still alive. That brat worries me enough without you making it worse.”

Yoongi hung up with a smirk, not bothering to respond to Jin’s final comment.

Inside, Jimin tried to shove all thoughts of Yoongi aside as he immersed himself in work. He was reviewing files when there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” he said, keeping his tone neutral. Several new staff members entered, carrying a few packages and a large bouquet. One of them stepped forward. “Sir, Mr. Kai sent this for you,” the employee said, placing the items on his desk. Jimin raised an eyebrow but nodded, dismissing them with a wave. His eyes fell on the bouquet and the card attached.

Opening it, he read the note inside: Hello Mr. Kim. As we have officially announced our partnership for the upcoming project, I am delighted to invite you to a banquet arranged to celebrate this. Hope to see you there. A small smile tugged at Jimin’s lips, but he quickly hid it before anyone could notice. He scribbled a quick note, instructing one of his employees to send a gift back to Mr. Kai in response.

Just as the door closed behind the staff, Namjoon entered the room, casually placing a cup of coffee on Jimin’s desk. The familiar scent wafted through the air, but Jimin didn’t even glance at it—or him. Namjoon frowned, leaning against the desk, his easy demeanor faltering. “Not even a thank you? I bring coffee, and you give me the cold shoulder?”

Jimin ignored him, staring at his screen. Namjoon’s patience quickly waned. “Jimin-ah, won’t you even look at me?” Still no response. The silence gnawed at him until he finally snapped, banging his hand on the desk, the sudden noise breaking the tense quiet. “For God’s sake, can you stop pretending like I’m not here? I’m not some stranger!”

Jimin’s eyes flicked up to Namjoon, cold and distant, but he still said nothing. Namjoon’s frustration softened when he saw the exhaustion etched into Jimin’s face. Something had changed in him—Jimin wasn’t just angry, he was hurt. Namjoon’s chest tightened, and he knelt beside Jimin’s chair, grabbing his wrist gently. “Do you hate me that much? You won’t even look at me?”

Jimin’s body stiffened at the touch, but he didn’t pull away. His lips quivered slightly, and before he could stop himself, the tears he’d been holding back for days began to spill over. It's always like this from childhood he considered himself as a crybaby... And everyone habituated to it. His voice came out broken, fragile. “Why are you back? For how long this time, hyung? And don’t lie to me again.”

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