Lines in the sand

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The gentle sound of his alarm drifted into his dreams, coaxing him to open his eyes. He grabbed his phone to check the time and, seeing that it was already 10 a.m., he fell out of bed in a panic. "Oh no, Jimin, you're dead for sure," he thought as he hurried to the bathroom.

He freshened up quickly and then stood before the mirror, meticulously styling his hair. He slipped into a crisp white shirt and black skinny jeans, accentuating his look with a stylish black watch. A quick glance at the clock showed it was nearly 11. "Here we go, Jimin," he whispered to himself, ready to face whatever the day had in store.

Jimin arrived at the imposing building and headed straight for the elevator, pressing the button for the 46th floor with a sense of urgency. As the elevator ascended, he could feel the eyes of the employees on him, their hushed whispers filling the air.

"Today, sir looks incredibly handsome, like a piece of art," one woman murmured, her voice laced with longing. "I hope he notices me. I've been trying to catch his attention for so long."

Another voice responded with awe. "How can someone so captivating still be single? He's like a living dream!"

Jimin overheard their conversations, his expression hardening as he directed a sharp glare at them before stepping out of the elevator.

Standing before the cabin, he stared at the nameplate, feeling a rush of heat through his body. Trembling slightly with anxiety, he took a deep breath, whispered a silent prayer, and opened the door.

Inside, a man stood by the window, his back turned to Jimin, dressed in a sleek black suit. One hand was casually tucked into his pocket as he leaned against the sill. Gathering his courage, Jimin stepped forward. "Hello, Mr. Jin."

Jin turned at the sound of Jimin's voice, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face. "Oh, you made it. I was starting to think you'd lost your way and was about to send out a search party."

"Mr. Jin, let's get straight to the point. Why did you call me here?" Jimin's voice was strained with tension.

"Jimin-ah," Jin sighed, his tone softening, "can you please stop calling me that and just call me hyung instead?"

"Mr. Jin, given the urgency of your summons, I assume there's something important to discuss. So let's not waste any more time," Jimin replied, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice.

The room seemed to hold its breath as they faced each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

Jin sat down in his revolving chair and gestured for Jimin to take a seat. With a deep sigh, he began, "As you wish, Jimin. I was willing to overlook your rebellious acts of the past few days, but what you did yesterday was truly dangerous. You jeopardized your life and broke the one rule you absolutely had to follow."

At these words, Jimin's temper flared. He began throwing everything on the table, shouting at the top of his lungs. "Who do you think you are, trying to control me? What do you think of yourself? I don't give a damn about your rules and restrictions. It's my life! I'll do whatever I want, and if I put myself at risk or die, it's none of your business!"

Breathless and panting heavily, Jimin glared at Jin, his anger palpable. Jin got furious at Jimin's outburst, stood up and slapped him across the face. Jimin stumbled, shocked by the sudden act, and slowly raised his head to meet Jin's gaze, seeing the anger burning in his eyes, jimin's eyes got tearedup.

"You leave me no choice now, Jimin," Jin said, his voice trembling with rage. "I've warned you so many times and given you countless chances, yet you keep doing the same reckless things. Do you have any idea what would have happened if Soo-Ho hadn't tracked you down in time last night? Do you understand the lengths we went to save you? You disappeared without telling anyone, joined that dangerous stunt, and ignored the fact that many people are searching for you, waiting for any sign of your whereabouts. You can't keep doing this and expect me to stand by and do nothing."

Jimin stood still, taking in Jin's words. He knew deep down that what he had done was wrong, but he refused to admit it. He would continue his reckless behavior without remorse, defying anyone who tried to stop him.

"I have appointed a bodyguard for you. He will be joining us from tomorrow," Jin declared, his tone resolute.

Jimin's eyes widened in shock. "Mr. Jin, how many times do I have to tell you I don't need a bodyguard? Do you have memory loss or something? No one can handle me, and the previous ones are proof enough. Cancel it. I can take care of myself perfectly."

Jin remained unfazed, his voice calm but firm. "Jimin, don't worry. This time, I've found the perfect one, someone I trust completely. You will be in safe hands. Get ready to meet him tomorrow."

A sarcastic smile curled on Jimin's lips. "I'm not going to tolerate him at all. Mark my words, I'll make him regret accepting this job. Just wait and watch, Mr. Jin. Your new bodyguard will run from me just like all the others. I'll make sure of that."and left the cabin.

As Jimin left, Jin thought, "How do I make him understand that we still love him and care about him? Everything we do is for his own sake. Please, Jimin, don't harm yourself any more. I know how hurt and broken you are. It took a lot of effort to find and convince him to come here. I just hope everything falls into place."

In the dim basement of an apartment somewhere in the city, a man sat quietly, staring at his lock screen. The image of a pretty boy with a beautiful eye smile and an innocent face filled his heart with a bittersweet ache. Suddenly, the door burst open and another man rushed in.

"Hyung, I received the email. You start tomorrow,he said urgently. "I hope you'll reconsider. Once you step into this, there's no turning back. You know how difficult it will be, especially after everything that's happened."

The man sighed deeply, his gaze still fixed on the photo. "Yes, Namjoon, I've made my decision. There's no turning back now. I'll face all the hurdles and consequences. I have to do this." His voice was resolute, but his eyes betrayed the storm of emotions within him.

Happy reading!!!

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