Silent Storms

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In the pitch-black room, Seokjin could feel nothing but the tight ropes digging into his skin, soaked in his own blood. His body ached, his breathing shallow. Slowly, he opened his eyes, but the darkness offered no comfort. A groan escaped him as he shifted. "Why is So-Ho taking so long?" he muttered. "Ahh... I’ve really overworked myself this time."

Suddenly, the door clicked open. Footsteps echoed, and Seokjin raised his head as a group of men entered. They carried guns and knives, their faces cold and menacing. One of them, clearly the leader, knelt in front of Seokjin, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Seokjin... everyone thinks you're untouchable. But look at you now—helpless, pitiful." The man clicked his tongue in mock sympathy. "You’ve been missing, and no one even cared enough to come for you. How bad of you to be left behind." He suddenly went business mode and said "I have an open offer for you"

Seokjin chuckled despite the pain, his lips curling into a smirk. "Is that so? What’s this grand offer you have for me? I’m dying to hear it."

The man’s smile faltered, but he pressed on, pulling out a folder. "Sign these papers. Your name will be cleared—no more bounties. You can even get a few of your friends cleared if you want."

Seokjin sighed, feigning a pout. "No bounty, huh? I didn’t realize I was such a criminal." The leader’s patience snapped, and he grabbed Seokjin by the hair, forcing their faces close.

"We know who you are, SJ. You thought you could stay hidden forever? You thought wrong."

The man punched him, blood dripping from Seokjin's mouth, but he barely flinched. In his head, Seokjin counted the seconds. *Come on, So-Ho... if you don’t show up soon, I’m going to raise hell myself.*

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, followed by chaos outside. Seokjin felt a wave of relief—finally. But as the door burst open, it wasn’t So-Ho who entered. It was Namjoon.

Seokjin's eyes widened, watching Namjoon move like a whirlwind—dodging kicks, flicking his knife with precision, and taking down enemies with ease. For a moment, Seokjin just stared, mesmerized by Namjoon's fluidity. When Namjoon finally reached him, he harshly cut the ropes and yanked him to his feet. Seokjin stumbled, but Namjoon didn’t seem to care.

Outside, Namjoon pushed Seokjin toward the car with a huff. Seokjin groaned, annoyed. "What’s with the shoving, Namjoon? I wasn’t expecting you to show up, of all people."

Namjoon shot him a cold look that made Seokjin feel smaller under his intense gaze. "What were you thinking?" Namjoon growled, his deep voice sending shivers down Seokjin’s spine. "Coming here unprepared, dragging So-Ho along with you—what if I hadn’t shown up? What then?"

Seokjin crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. "What's with you anyway. I had everything under control. I didn’t needed your help."

Namjoon grabbed Seokjin by the shoulders, pulling him closer until their faces were inches apart. His voice was low, but filled with frustration. "Don’t you ever say that again. I know you’re mad at me—fine. But do you really think I would let you die? I left, yes, but I had no choice. And now you want me to beg? You want to punish me? Fine, but don't you dare think I wouldn’t come for you."

Seokjin's eyes welled with tears, and before he could stop himself, he punched Namjoon. It wasn’t much of a punch, but Namjoon staggered slightly, letting Seokjin unleash his frustration—small punches, weak kicks. "You left me!" Seokjin shouted, his voice cracking. "You promised you will be back but you haven't do you know much I waited for you?! How could you do that to me?!"

Namjoon let Seokjin hit him until the punches turned into sobs. He gently took Seokjin's hands in his and whispered, "I know you’re angry and suffered, Jin . But I’m here now. I won’t leave again. I promise. I’ll make this right, this time. Just trust me—this time, we won’t fall apart."

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