Shadow's and Secrets

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The mansion, bathed in a serene golden light, was a sanctuary of calm. Hobi sat in his favorite love seat, flipping through a magazine, his eyes dancing across the pages. The sunlight streaming in from the large windows made his dark hazel eyes sparkle, and a gentle smile curved his lips into a heart shape. Each time he smiled, the room seemed to glow a little brighter, as if his very presence infused the space with warmth.

Standing at the doorway, Kai watched, his breath catching in his throat. For a moment, the world narrowed down to just Hobi. He marveled at how effortlessly Hobi could captivate him, how his every movement, every expression, seemed to draw him in deeper. Finally, he stepped forward, a smile tugging at his lips. "Hey, Hobi!"

Hobi's head shot up, and the magazine slipped from his hands as he practically flew across the room. "Kai!" he squealed, launching himself into Kai's arms. He wrapped his arms around Kai's neck, holding on tight as if he never wanted to let go. "You came! I was missing you so much! I thought you'd forgotten me," he added, pouting playfully.

Kai chuckled, his hands resting on Hobi's waist as he teased, "How could I forget my darling? That's impossible, even if I tried!" He looked at Hobi with mock seriousness. "I was only gone for a few hours, and you missed me that much?"

"For you, it might have been a few hours," Hobi huffed, turning away and folding his arms across his chest, "but for me, it felt like ages!" He punctuated his words with a dramatic stomp of his foot.

Kai's laughter filled the room as he wrapped his arms around Hobi from behind, resting his chin on Hobi's shoulder. "Love, you know I adore you more than anything in the world. Don't ever doubt that."

Hobi's resolve melted, and a smile broke across his face as he turned to face Kai. "I know, Kai. I was just teasing. So, how did everything go? Did you eat anything?"

Kai's playful demeanor faded as he sighed, his expression turning serious. "Hobi, we need to talk. There are a few things we planned earlier that might need to be changed."

Hobi's smile disappeared, replaced by a look of concern. "What changes? Did something happen?"

Kai hesitated, his eyes searching Hobi's face. "Today, during the meeting with Jimin, I saw someone... Yoongi. He's Jimin's new bodyguard."

For a moment, it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Hobi's eyes widened in shock, his body going rigid. The name seemed to echo in the silence, bringing with it a flood of memories and emotions. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, Hobi erupted. He began hurling anything within reach-pillows, books, even the magazine-across the room.

"Why?" Hobi shouted, his voice breaking with a mix of anger and pain. "Why now? Why did he come back?"

Kai quickly moved to intercept him, grabbing a vase from Hobi's hand before it could meet a wall. "Love, calm down. It might not be as bad as you think. We need to find out what he's planning."

Hobi's breathing was ragged, his chest heaving as tears of frustration welled in his eyes. "Why is he here? After everything... After what they did to us..."

Kai gently cupped Hobi's face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Hobi, listen to me. I pulled some information. Seokjin personally sought out Yoongi and requested him to be Jimin's bodyguard. Jimin's in danger, and he's been trying to find a reliable bodyguard for a while. But why he chose Yoongi, and why Yoongi accepted... I don't know. There's something more going on here, something we don't understand yet."

Hobi's anger slowly ebbed, replaced by quiet sobs. Kai held him close, his heart breaking at the sight of Hobi's pain. "You know, because of them, we lost everything," Hobi whispered. "And now, just when we're starting to rebuild... It's all getting messed up again."

Kai stroked Hobi's back soothingly. "Hoba, it wasn't anyone's fault. What happened... it was just bad luck. We can't keep blaming them."

Hobi suddenly pushed Kai away, his eyes blazing. "Maybe you've forgiven them, but I haven't! I'm going to make them suffer, Kai. For as long as I want. And you don't get to tell me otherwise." With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving Kai standing there, his heart heavy.

Kai sighed deeply, watching Hobi's retreating figure. "Hoba, I love you with all my heart, but this isn't the way. They don't even know you're alive, and you won't let me tell them. How can we move on like this?" he whispered to the empty room. His thoughts turned to Yoongi, and a dark resolve settled in his chest. "I'll find out everything about you, Yoongi. Why you came back, and what you're really up to."

Meanwhile, Hobi stood in the garden, tears streaming down his face. The memories were too much, too painful to bear. "I miss you, baby," he whispered to the wind. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. But I'll make them pay. I promise." His voice hardened, laced with hatred and sorrow. "I'll never forgive you, Jimin. Not in this life. I hate you. I wish nothing but hell for you."


On the other side of the city, Jimin sped away in his car, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn't afford to dwell on. Yoongi, who had been lost in his own storm of memories, snapped back to reality and quickly followed Jimin's trail, only to find that Jimin had already left. Letting out a sigh, he pulled out his phone, tracking Jimin's location and ordering one of the guards to bring another car. As he waited, he called Namjoon.

"Meet me at the base," Yoongi instructed curtly.

Minutes later, Yoongi arrived at the base, where Namjoon was already at work, fingers flying over his laptop. As soon as he saw Yoongi, Namjoon stood up. "Hyung, I found the gang responsible for targeting Jimin's bodyguards. Eleven of them have been killed so far, all with signs of extreme torture."

Yoongi nodded, his eyes scanning the screen. The gruesome details didn't faze him, but the pattern that emerged did. "They only took the bodyguards who were allowed to stay close to Jimin 24/7," Namjoon continued. "The others were left alone. They were clearly trying to get inside information."

Yoongi's brow furrowed as he processed the information. "Namjoon, there's something off here. I see fourteen bodyguards listed, but only eleven were taken. The details of three are missing from both the digital and physical records."

Namjoon's eyes widened in realization. "You think those three might be moles? Planted by the gang?"

"Exactly. Find out everything you can about those three. I want to know who they really are and why they're missing from the records."

Namjoon nodded, determination in his eyes. As he turned to leave, Yoongi added, "By the way, I heard Jungkook is back."

Namjoon stopped in his tracks, whipping around to face Yoongi. "What? That's not possible. I've had high security on him. How could he escape without us knowing?"

Yoongi chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "Come on, Namjoon. It's Jungkook. You know how he is. But keep an eye on him. He may be against us, but he's still our brother."

Namjoon nodded slowly, worry etched into his features. As he started to leave again, he paused, a sudden thought striking him. "Hyung... how do you know Jungkook is back? Did he contact you?"

Yoongi's face grew troubled, a shadow passing over his usually stoic expression. Namjoon's heart sank as he realized what that meant. He rushed back to Yoongi, gripping his shoulders. "Don't tell me... is Jungkook with him? Please, hyung, tell me he's not."

Yoongi stared into Namjoon's eyes, then offered a gentle smile, one that didn't reach his eyes. "Don't worry, Joonie. I'll handle it. I won't let anything happen to him."

Namjoon's concern only deepened. "Hyung, things are already tense enough. And with Kai involved... I have a feeling we're missing something big."

Yoongi pulled Namjoon into a tight hug. "Thank you for everything, Joonie. Don't stress yourself out. Hyung will take care of it all, okay?" He patted Namjoon's head affectionately, but as they pulled apart, a single tear slipped from Yoongi's eye. He quickly wiped it away, but Namjoon had seen it.

Namjoon's heart ached for his hyung, but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he hugged Yoongi once more before leaving the room. As he walked away, Namjoon couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to unfold

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