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I stepped down the stairs, tugging at my loose dress shirt and jeans, feeling the fabric shift against my skin. The dining table was laden with food, enough to feed an army. I chuckled to myself, calling out for Halmoni. She emerged from the kitchen, her face lighting up.

“Oh, wah! The young master is asking for me?” she teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Please, I just want to know when you got back and why you cooked so much. Who’s coming over, a wedding party?”

“It’s for you and Yoongi,” she said, matter-of-factly.

My smile faltered at the mention of his name. She continued, “I’ve already prepared his room. He’s staying here from now on. I think he went to get his things. I’m not sure.”

I hummed, sitting down at the table, the food in front of me, but I had no appetite. I scooped a small portion onto my plate anyway, forcing myself to eat something—anything—just to keep moving. My thoughts spiraled, swirling between wanting Yoongi to leave and that small, traitorous part of me that begged him to stay. I hated myself for it.

And then, like a shadow, he entered the room. He stood there, unmoved as Halmoni fussed over him. His eyes were cold, indifferent as ever. Stone-hearted. He hasn’t changed at all. I muttered under my breath, “you should eat. Halmoni worked hard, and I don’t want her efforts wasted. Besides, since you’ve decided to stay, I don’t want to be blamed for starving you.”

Yoongi nodded, taking the seat opposite me. As Halmoni served him, he started eating with the same detached air, while I sat across from him, stealing glances. He was still so breathtaking. Those eyes—uncaring, yet still somehow filled with the same quiet affection he tried so hard to hide. His skin, pale as snow, his fluffy hair… wait. Did he dye it? A mix of blonde and mint green with dark roots. It suited him too well.

I was jolted from my thoughts by a sudden voice. “Mr. Kim,” Yoongi’s deep voice interrupted my reverie, his eyes fixed on me, calm but unreadable. “You’re not eating. Do you need something else?”

The ‘Mr. Kim’ again. I scoffed, pushing my plate aside. “Nothing. I’m done. Call me when everything’s ready, we’ll head to the office.” I stood abruptly and left the room.

Once alone, frustration bubbled up. I kicked the air in my room, throwing weak punches as I cursed myself for losing control. That smirk… that damn smirk. He knows what he does to me. I could feel it—he hadn’t forgotten the effect he had on me. “Get it together, Jimin!” I muttered, but a knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. The guard informed me the car was ready, and I made my way downstairs.


The office buzzed with chaos. Jimin's frustration mounted. “Where is Mr. Jin?” he barked. His voice roared through the room, and everyone flinched. No one had answers. He called for project leads and managers and asked for details, but it only made the situation worse. Everyone seemed clueless.

Yoongi entered the cabin silently, observing the scene. He moved toward jimin, handing him a coffee. “Here,” he said in that calm, deep voice.

I took a sip, my irritation spiking instantly. The coffee was too bitter. I threw the cup at him, the hot liquid splashing onto his shirt. He didn’t flinch, his expression remaining cold and unbothered.

“This isn’t what I asked for!” I shouted.

Yoongi’s voice was steady, dominant. “I’ll get you a new one, Mr. Kim.” He left calmly, as if nothing had happened. Outside, employees scrambled around, chaos filling the floor. Yoongi, ever composed, asked one of the employees what was happening. He quickly learned jimin was making a fuss about the projects, demanding Jin be brought to him.

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