🐺🚀~No More Secrets~🚀🐺

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"I know you're a little, Jay."

~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

My heart sank as I heard the words leave her mouth. She DOES know, I thought, panicking as I stammer. "Y-y-you know!? H-how?" I asked, completely shaken.

She giggled a little at my reaction."Last month when we were hanging out I saw you left that chest at the end of your bed unlocked and got curious what was in it. Never did I expect to find diapers and a pacifier in there."

"L-Liz I can explain" I said, struggling to keep myself together, my anxiety ramping up to eleven as I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"You don't have to, sweetie. I already know all about it. I was shocked, I had no idea you were a little! I didn't wanna come right out and ask you cause I figured you'd just deny it, so I thought maybe I could catch you in the act" she said, pulling the waist of my pants down, looking down to see my puffy, very babyish diaper, making me feel like my heart might stop as I realized she'd planned this.

"Y-you...you weren't working late, were you?" I asked, feeling I already knew the answer.

"No, sweetie. I just said that hoping that you'd maybe be wearing a diaper when I came to surprise you. Looks like it worked!" she said, starting to pat my diaper.

"L-Liz I-" I started to say, tears forming in my eyes before she cut me off.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetie, it's okay. You don't have to explain anything." she said with a smile as she pulled me into a hug as I started to sob.

"Y-you're...you're not....weirded out?" I asked, feeling tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Of course not! I honestly wished I'd known sooner!" she said, rubbing my back.

"Wh-why's that?" I asked, my sobs starting to subside as I felt her rubbing my back gently, the sensation starting to sooth me.

"Well sweetie, that kinda brings me to the offer I wanted to make you" she said, smiling sweetly as she let me move to look her in the eyes as she wiped away my tears with her thumb, resting her hand on my cheek.

"Wh-what offer?" I asked, sniffling a little.

~~~~~~~~~Liz's POV~~~~~~~~~

It broke my heart to see the tears rolling down Jay's face as he pulled away to look at me. I reached up to wipe them away, smiling brightly to show him that everything was okay. As I heard him sniffle and ask what my offer was I took a deep breath before starting to answer.

"Well baby, I've asked you quite a few times over the past couple years if I could move in with you, and every time you made an excuse as to why I couldn't. It felt like you were hiding something from me. After seeing what was in that chest you always kept locked it all just clicked into place that this was why" I said, gesturing to his diaper. "So I thought, now that I know why you didn't want me moving in, I'd ask you again if you'd want me to move in...and be your mommy?"

~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

My eyes went wide as the words left Liz's mouth. No way...No way she just asked that! She...she wants to be my mommy?! I thought to myself. No...No she's....She's got to be messing with me. There's no way she really wants to be my mommy, right?

I gulped as I looked into her eyes. "Y-you're kidding right? I... Y-you...you're just teasing me, aren't you?" I asked, finding it hard, no, impossible to believe.

"Of course not! I'd never tease you like that Jay! You know that!" she said, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Y-you...you really mean it? But...Why? It's not...It's not weird to you? To...baby your boyfriend?" I asked, looking her back in her soft hazel eyes.

~~~~~~~~~Liz's POV~~~~~~~~~

It hurt a little that Jay thought I was teasing him about being his mommy, but I couldn't really blame him either. He'd no doubt hid this side of himself from me out of fear of rejection and resentment, not too unlike myself. All I could do was pull him back into my arms and into my lap to comfort him. I had suspected for years that he may be a little, but he had never done or said anything to make me feel omw hundred percent certain, though nothing had ever dissuaded that thought either. Now that I knew for sure, I wanted to let him know everything would be okay.

"Sweetie, I really do mean it. Truth be told, I'd always kinda suspected you were a little, I just couldn't be certain until I saw what you were hiding" I said, holding him tight before moving him back to look at me again. "Honestly, I'd always kinda hoped you were 'cause...I wanted to baby you since the day I met you." I told him truthfully, laying my own secret bare, seeing Jay's face go from nervous and solemn to a look of pure shock.

~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

"Wh-what!? Wait, you mean...you're a caregiver!?" I asked in complete shock, my mouth dropping open as I looked Liz in the eyes.

She giggled as she smiled warmly at me. "Guilty as charged. And inside voices please" she said, booping me on the nose.

"S-sorry...." I said a little embarrassed by the light scolding. "Th-this whole time...you wanted to be my mommy and I.... I never knew?"

"And I never knew you were a little. Guess we were both hiding some pretty big secrets for no reason, huh?" she said, kissing me on the cheek. "So...what do you say? Can I be your mommy, baby?"

Tears started to run down my face as I looked her in the eyes and smiled, saying the only word I could muster in the whirlwind of emotions filling my head. "Yes!"

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