🐺🚀~Daycare, Playcare Pt. 2~🚀🐺

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Spence, V, and I sit on the playmat, building away, making trucks and towers as we laugh and talk. I don't know how long we sat there before Jenny and the other attendants call out, saying it's snack time. We all run over to the oversized kids tables and sit as we continue to talk, the daycare attendants laying out plates of snacks in front of us. Auntie Jenny setting out my favorite, ants on a log.

"Auntie Jenny, how did chu knows I wikes ants on a log?" I asked, looking up at her as she stood over me

"Don't you know, silly boy? Aunties are psychic?" She says tickling me a little, making me giggle.

"Weally!?" I ask in wonder as she stops.

"Really kiddo, now eat up so you and your little friends can get back to playing" she says, ruffling my hair before walking off.

"Oh my gosh, Ms. Jenny is your auntie!?" V whisper yells, bouncing in her seat as she looks at me with a huge smile.

"Uh huhs! She Mommy's sistew!" I say as I eat my snack.

"Das so cool, JJ!" Spence says as they munch on some pretzels.

"Was chu mommy wike? Is she really cool?" V asks as she starts eating her animal crackers.

"Da coolest! In school she pwotected me fwom da bullies, even beat one up when he kicked me. An now she bought me a whole nursery!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"She bought you a whole nursery! Ooooo, what's it like?" Spence asked as they smiled.

"Is space themed!" I said with a grin.

"Hehe, I should have guessed looking at chu outfit" they say with a giggle.

"Hehe, it has everything! A crib, a rocking chair a changing table" I said, blushing a little at that last one.

"Yous GOT to let's us sees it one day!" V said excitedly as she started bouncing again.

"Oooo, maybe our caregivers can set us up a playdate!" Spencer suggests with a big grin.

"Yes! When Mommy come ta picks me up I ask her!" I said as I finished my snack.

After snack time was done we went straight back to playing, running over to the McDonald's play set like I'd always wanted as a kid. Maybe I could get mommy to get me one? I played as the cashier with Vanny and Spence playing customers and had an absolute blast.

Soon it was time for nap time as we all went over to the mats that the attendants laid out with our names on it and I gasped when I saw mine. It was a blue, purple, and magenta galaxy with a matching fluffy blanket sat on top.

The attendants went around, helping the other littles get comfy and tucked in as Jenny walked over to me.

"Hey kiddo, did you like mine and Mommy's little surprise?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair as she pulled my blankie up over me and Gray.

"Uh huhs, is so cool!" I said excitedly before Jenny put her finger up to her lips.

"Quiet, sweetie, the other kids are trying to sleep" he said as she shushed me.

"Oh, sowwies" I said in a whisper.

"It's okay kiddo, now go on and get some shut-eye. You'll need all your energy for playing more when nap time's over" she said, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"Otays. Nini Auntie Jenny " I said through a yawn, shutting my eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Night night my darling nephew" she says as she slips my paci in my mouth. Before I'm out like a light I can faintly feel her checking my diaper.

I wake to Jenny gently shaking me. I yawn as I start to sit up, my paci falling from my mouth and dangling from it's clip.

"Morning sleepy head, did you have a good nap?" She asked as she ruffles my hair.

"Uh huh, I dweamd I was a space e'splorer!" I said as I smiled widely.

"Aww, that's great kiddo!" She says as she again checks my diaper now that I'm awake. "I think it might be time for some to get a change.

I blush as I look around to make sure no one heard that. "Oh Jay, half the other kiddos wear diapers too, including those two new friends of yours. No one's gonna care." She says as she picks me up, carrying me to a separate room where they have a couple changing tables with curtains around them.

She lays me down, closing the curtain and starts to untape my diaper, cooing gently as she starts to change me.

"Are you enjoying daycare, sweet pea?" She asked me as she wiped me clean.

"Uh huh! I's having so much fun! I can't wait for Mommy to come get me doe cause Spencer, Vanny, an I wanna has a pwaydate!" I said as I smile up at her through the paci she popped back in my mouth, knowing how much it relaxes me during changes.

"Aww, that's great, buddy! I'm so glad you've made some friends" she says, patting my diaper through my shortalls after redoing the crotch snaps. "Ready to go back out and play?"

"Uh huhs!" I say excitedly while Jenny picks me up and carries me back out, briefly resting my head on her shoulder.

She sets me on my feet and gives my padded butt a tap to get me going, Gray and I running off to rejoin Spencer and Vanny as the attendants call out that it's time to go outside and play.

I follow Spencer and Vanny over to the jungle gym, playing on the slide and going on the monkey bars. We sit at the little steering wheel and pretend we're driving a big delivery truck as we laugh.

Soon enough I looked over towards where Jenny and the other attendants are sitting and I see Mommy.

"Mommy!" I yell out and run over towards her, hugging her tight as she lets out an 'oof'.

"Well hello there, munchkin. Did you have a good first day at daycare?" She asks and I bounce excitedly.

"Yes yes yes! I mades fwens and we pwayed lots and lots den tooks a nap den played some mowe!" I say excitedly "Oh oh oh! Can me an my fwens has a pwaydate?"

"My my, you did have a big day, sweetie. And of course you can!" she says, making me squeal in joy. "Jenny told me right as I got here that you'd be asking so Mommy already talked to your friends' daddies and we're gonna set one up here in the next few days."

"Mommy, you's da bestest!!!" I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards my friends who are standing with their daddies.

I introduce Mommy to Spencer and Vanny and they introduce us to their daddies. Spencer's daddy's name is Josh and Vanny's is Alejandro, but that was really hard to say so he said I can call him Al.

After talking for a little longer we all hug and say our goodbyes, our caregivers exchanging numbers before Mommy and I head back to the car to make our way home after an exciting day.

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