🐺🚀~Da Rulez~🚀🐺

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~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

I sat on my bed where Liz had told me to wait as she went to grab some stuff from her car, wondering what exactly she was getting. My thoughts were cut short as I heard the front door open and shut, followed by the sound of Liz's feet on the hardwood floor, heading towards my room. She opened my door, carrying two large duffle bags, one in each hand. One I assumed had all the things she'd be needing to stay until she could get properly moved in. The other, I could only guess as to what may be in it, though I doubted it'd be a mystery long.

"Okay baby boy" she said, walking over holding a sheet of paper, sitting on the bed next to me before patting her lap. "Come here and sit in my lap, okay sweetie?"

I gulped, feeling a little embarrassed that she wanted me to sit in her lap, but I obliged, standing up and sitting on her admittedly rather thick thighs, feeling quite comfortable.

"Good boy!" she said, praising me as I blushed. "Now, while you're my baby there's gonna be a few rules for you to follow, okay?"

"R-rules? I-I get rules already?" I asked, feeling a little excited.

"Of course! Gotta make sure you behave yourself!" Liz teased, poking me in the side a little before starting to tickle me relentlessly, making me giggle and squirm. "Now, are you ready for your rules, baby boy?"

"Yes mommy!" I said excitedly.

"Good" she said as she smiled brightly at me with pride. "We're gonna go over the rules together and if you feel like anything needs to change, you let mommy know and tomorrow you get to decorate them, okay?"

"Okay!" I said as she held up the sheet of paper so I could read along, each rule wrote out in alternating blue, purple, and magenta marker.

"Rule number one: call me mommy. You've already been doing that without me asking so I think that one won't be much of a problem. When we're out and about you can call me by name, but otherwise it's mommy, okay pumpkin?" she asked, the little pet name making me smile.

"Yes mommy" I beamed with pride having already been good at that without realizing it.

"Rule number two: hygiene. That will mostly be my responsibility considering I'll be bathing you from now on, but you'll be getting at least one bath a day. Have you already bathed tonight, sweetie?" she asked, sniffing me a little, making me giggle.

"Yes mommy, I had a shower right after I got home" I said, smiling at her being silly.

"Rule number three, you'll be eating three meals a day. I know how bad you are about forgetting to eat, so I wanna make sure you're eating enough, okay baby?" she asked, kissing me on the cheek as I nodded in agreement.

"Rule number four is manners. Always say please and thank you. Manners cost nothing. And swearing, my little potty mouth, is a no-go from now on, understand?" she said with a teasing, yet serious look.

I knew I had a bit of a swearing problem, having been cursing for a good chunk of my life as my parents didn't really care all that much about the words, though I did censor myself in times I thought I needed to. I again nodded in agreement.

"Rule number five is your bedtime. I know you like to stay up late, but babies need a good night's sleep. From now on you will be in bed by ten. You don't have to go to sleep right away, but I want you asleep by twelve, okay baby?"

Another rule that was gonna be a bit hard as I was so used to staying up until two in the morning, but again it didn't sound like something that would be too hard to adjust to. "Okay mommy" I said with a smile.

"Good boy! Rule number six might take some getting used to, and if you're not comfortable with it we can get rid of it, but from now on I want you to use your diapers, okay baby?" she asked, looking at me curiously as I start to blush.

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