🎃🦇~Trick or Treat!~🦇🎃

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It's Halloween and our caregivers said they had a surprise for Spencer, Vanny, and I. We all met at my house, dressed up in our costumes. I was an astronaut, Spencer was a witch, and Vanny was a rabbit, very fitting with how bouncy she was.

"Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Wha chu finks da surprise is?" Vanny asked, bouncing on her toes.

"Dunno, maybe we's havin a costume party?" I say, giggling at Vanny's enthusiasm.

"Whatever it is I best it'll be fun!" Spencer says, slinging a arm around both of us.

"Okay kids!" Josh calls as the three adults walk in to the room, all of us turning to face them.

Josh was dressed up as a stormtrooper, Alejandro was dressed up as a big brown bear, and Mommy was dressed up as Morticia Adams.

"We're all going to Little Dayz for their Halloween trick or treating event!" Mommy announces, making us all jump for joy.

"Trick or treating!?" I ask with the biggest smile on my face. I haven't been trick or treating since I was ten.

"That's right baby boy!" Mommy says, matching my and the others' enthusiasm. "Now come on kiddos! Let's get going!"

We all excitedly follow the adults out to Josh's mini van, all of us piling into the car seats installed in the back and being strapped in by our caregivers, given our respective blankets, sippy cups, and stuffies for the trip.

As we start moving the three of us start to talk in the back, Bluey playing on the drop down screen which is apparently one of Spencer's favorite shows.

"How much candy do chu fink we'll get?" I ask, cuddling Gray to my chest under my galaxy blanket.

"I hope a LOT! I want so so so much candy!" Vanny said, bouncing the best she could in her car seat.

"Now now little missy, you remember the rules. Only a few pieces of candy a day. I love you, but I don't wanna deal with a sugar-crazed toddler" chuckled Al, sitting in the seat in front of us as he reached back and patted Vanny's knee.

"Yes daddy" Vanny said, deflating a little bit still excited to be getting candy.

Spencer leaned in, making sure Al couldn't hear as they whispered to Vanny. "Don't worry, I'll sneak you a couple extra pieces.

As the trip went on we got a little sleepy and by the time we woke up we were pulling into the parking lot. The sight of the store almost instantly snapping us out of our tired states and reigniting our excitement.

Mommy and the others quickly got us unbuckled, picking us up and carrying us into the store that was well decorated for Halloween with jack'o lanterns, cob webs, and skeletons, one sitting at the entrance in a chair, wearing the store uniform with a name tag saying 'Bonesy' making us all chuckle. As we stated to walk we could see the staff dressed in a variety of costumes, ranging from mummies and vampires to characters from kids shows, Spencer nearly squealing when they saw someone dressed in a Bingo onesie.

"Okay kiddos, we're gonna start on one end of the store and make our way around in a circle. Everyone stay together, okay?" Josh explained as Al handed out our buckets, mine being a little space helmet, Spencer's a Bluey face, and Vanny's a bright pink jack'o lantern.

We started on the left side, out caregivers keeping close by but letting us run up to each employee on our own, yelling trick or treat, gaining plenty of candy in our buckets.

"Aww, aren't the three of you just precious?" A nice man in a Dr. Facilier costume said as he smiled down at us, dropping some candy in our buckets.

"Kids, what do we say to the nice man?" Mommy asked as she smiled at us.

"Tank chu!" all three of us rang out in unison, getting a bright smile and a wave from him as we made our way to the next employee.

By the time we got to the other end of the store our buckets were full and heavy, making us all beam in excitement. Soon after an announcement came over the intercom.

"Attention all littles! At this time we will be holding a costume contest in the center of the store! Please make your way to the center, ask your caregivers of course, if you wish to participate" a man said, making Vanny, Spencer, and I all look between each other excitedly.

We all look at our caregivers who nod in approval, making us squeal as we start to run to the middle of the store.

"Don't run off!" Mommy calls out after us, making us skid to a stop, each of our caregivers taking our hands and leading us to the stage towards the center.

There are a ton of littles lined up for the contest, each in cute and cool costumes, quite a few with somewhat obvious diaper bulges making me beam knowing how many are like me. Each of us go on stage one by one, doing little twirls and showing off our costumes. Spencer, Vanny, and I were some of the last on stage, Mommy having to come up on stage with me because I was too scared to go up alone. Mommy did a playful little bow which I copied before making our way off stage with her holding my hand.

After the judges deliberated for a few minutes they finally announced that I had won! Mommy picked me up and carried me back on stage bouncing me excitedly in my arms. The prize was a months worth of a select product of our choice and of course we selected diapers.

Soon after we all got kinda tired so we all piled back in the car, going back to my house and taking a little nap in the back. Once we arrived we all ran into the house, dumping our candy out which made our caregivers scramble to keep us from eating too much. Spencer, as promised, smuggled a couple extra pieces for Vanny in her pants pocket under her witch robe and we all got together to watch our favorite Halloween movie, Nightmare before Christmas. BEST. HALLOWEEN. EVER!!!

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