🐺🚀~The Life~🚀🐺

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~~~~~~~~~Liz's POV~~~~~~~~~

After all the excitement yesterday little Jay ended up falling asleep pretty quickly, snuggling his new little friend that he named Gray. He was so precious laying there in his crib I couldn't help but internally squeal as I took a picture of him for the baby album I plan to make.

I woke up to light streaming through the blinds in what was previously Jay's room as I yawned, groggily pulling myself out of bed and making my way to the kitchen after checking the nursery to find Jay still sleeping, bringing the baby monitor with me and setting it on the counter as I pulled out a pan and some pancake mix. I set out making us some breakfast, plating the last pancake as I heard rustling and a yawn from the baby monitor. I cut off the stove and made my way to the nursery to find my baby boy rubbing his eyes with his fists, his paci hanging halfway out of his mouth as I cooed at how cute he looked.

"Good morning, my sweet baby" I cooed, making his head shoot up and look over at me.

"Mownin Mawmy!" He said, bouncing excitedly as soon as he saw me standing there. God I could power an entire nation with his bright smile.

"Did you sleep well, pumpkin?" I asked as I lowered the side of his crib as he stretched out his arms, making grabby hands to be picked up, which I happily obliged.

"Uh huhs! I hads dweam I was astwonaut fwying frough space and visitin pwanets an..." He went on about his dream as I smiled, exhilarated to see him this happy.

I carry him, while he's still holding his stuffie Gray, to the changing table as I felt his diaper was definitely wet. He blushed a little as I started changing him, hiding his face behind Gray as I cooed at him. After he was all changed into a fresh diaper I picked him up again, carrying him to the dining room, setting him in the new highchair I'd set up, locking him in. "Okay baby, time for breakfast" I said sitting next to him with both plates of pancakes.

"Pancakes!!!" He squeals reaching for his plate.

"Nuh uh, pumpkin, mommy doesn't want you making a mess" I say snapping a space themed bib around his neck before cutting off a chunk of his pancakes that I doused in syrup and butter, sticking a baby fork in it and lifting it to his mouth.

"B-buh wha bout chu food, mawmy?" He asks, his concern for me making my heart melt.

"Don't worry baby, mommy will eat her pancakes in between feeding you. Now open wide for the airplane!" I say excitedly, making whooshing and propeller noises as as swoosh the fork, making Jay giggle as he opens his mouth wide. I repeated this process, taking bites of my own pancakes here and there until we were both done with our food. Despite feeding him myself, he still got a good bit of syrup on his cheeks and chin wich I wiped off the bulk of with his bib, followed by some baby wipes.

"There's my little prince, he was buried under all that syrup" I say, eliciting a fit of giggles from my baby boy as I unlocked his highchair and picked him up, making my way to the living room with him and setting him down in his playpen with his toys and Gray, turning on the TV to cartoons.

"Mommy's gonna go do some work while you play, okay sweetie? If you need anything just yell and mommy will be right there, okay?" I said as I leaned over the playpen.

"Otay mawmy!" He said, starting to play with his toys as I kissed his forehead and made my way to my room, sitting at the desk and setting the baby monitor next to me. opening my laptop to start on work.

I work for an hour, listening to the sounds of my baby playing through the baby monitor, my thoughts occasionally wandering to how happy Jay's been the past couple days. A stark contrast to how he's been lately. His job has been bringing him down, getting no respect from management and working extra hard to get work done for not a worth while amount of money and still they expected more of him. A few of the times I had asked to move in I offered to pay the bills so he could quit that god awful job, which I could do easily. I come from a wealthy family who's company I have worked at since graduation. I make more than enough to pay the bills twice over each month and then some, yet he would always turn me down saying he didn't want to burden me with that, despite me telling him repeatedly that it was no burden to me at all. Now with him as my baby, I wanted him to finally quit that job. I wanted to absolutely spoil him and give him the opportunity to let his inner child flourish. Knowing today was his one off day and knowing his work was peeved that I had called out for him yesterday I knew I had to ask him sometime today.

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