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(TRIGGER WARNING!: This chapter contains diaper messing)

I started to wake as mommy and I pulled into the driveway, shifting slightly as I could feel my bladder bursting for release. I thought only for a moment before deciding to just let it go as I filled my diaper as my eyes slowly fluttered open. I saw mommy walking up to the door, opening it and unbuckling me, lifting me out of the car and starting to carry me into the house as I yawned, cuddling against my girlfriend as she walked with me.

She sat me down on the floor in front of the TV after helping me out of my shorts so I could be more comfortable, turning it onto cartoons and handing me my chicken nuggets before leaning over and kissing me on my forehead.

"Okay baby boy, you sit here and watch TV and eat your nuggies while mommy brings everything in" she said, smiling down at me.

"B-buh mawmy, I can helps chu bwing evewyting in" my words being muffled slightly by my paci.

"No no no, baby. You're too little for that. That's mommy's job" she said, booping me on the nose. "Let mommy handle bringing everything in and you just sit and eat, okay baby?"

Mommy handed me Gray and kissed me on the forehead again before turning around and going to bring everything in, taking it all to the guest room as I sat, watching Blue's Clues, a show I hadn't seen in a long time as I cuddled Gray, taking my pacifier out of my mouth to finish my nuggets before popping it back in my mouth after I finished, feeling my stomach starting to rumble a little, but ultimately ignoring it.

"Oh! And sweetie, mommy left some markers and your rules on the table so you can decorate them!" she said as she walked past, carrying one of the boxes.

"Tank chu mommy!" I said as I crawled over to the coffee table, starting to decorate my rules with rockets and stars and wolves.

After a while mommy had brought everything in, starting to, by the sound of it, set up the crib in the guest room after dismantling the old bed as I continued to watch the TV, after a while feeling my tummy grumble more and more as time went on, feeling a pressure building up in my lower regions. Soon the realization hit me: I had to poop, and it was slowly starting to become more and more apparent too as the pressure built. I started to get up to go to the bathroom before I stopped.

"Wait....Liz.....Mommy.....said she wanted me to....poop in my diapers too....." I thought to myself, remembering back to only a day ago when she told me what'd be expected of me as her baby. "B-but.....that's gross...."

I stood there for a moment, contemplating what to do, before it hit me. The pain. I felt it as my tummy grumbled louder than it had before. I really had to poop, and it wasn't asking to come out anymore, it was DEMANDING. I started to shift my legs back and forth, gripping my tummy trying to think of what'd be worse, pooping my diaper, which I had never done before and didn't know what'd it feel like, or disappointing mommy. Would she really change me if I.....did THAT in my diaper? I was running out of time to find out as the pain started to grow unbearable. After what felt like an eternity of pain I decided that despite how gross it sounded, this is what I'd always wanted, to be a baby, and babies pooped their diapers.

Sighing as I winced in pain and squatted down, scrunching my face as I started to push, just wanting it over with as I couldn't take the cramping and grumbling anymore. "Okay, here we go" I thought as I struggled a little trying to override my potty training until, all at once, I felt it. The warmth started to quickly fill the rear of my diaper, followed by the hissing of pee as the smell hit me. I was pooping my diaper! The smell was horrible but.....it didn't FEEL bad. As a matter of fact, it felt kinda nice as I started to suck on my pacifier faster, sinking further into littlespace as I continued to push. As I finished I heard a click, turning around to see mommy standing in the doorway of the living room, holding her phone up with one hand, holding the other to her mouth as she giggle.

"M-mawmy?" I asked as the realization started to hit that she'd just taken a picture of me pooping my diaper, tears starting to form in my eyes from the embarrassment.

"Oh sweetie! No no no baby, don't cry! You just looked so cute mommy couldn't help taking a picture" she said in a soothing tone. "Don't worry baby, this picture is for mommy's eyes only."

Hearing those words leave her mouth soothed my fear, yet tears still started to flow from my eyes as I slipped further into littlespace, falling into it rather, starting to bawl as I dropped onto my rear, succeeding in squishing my fresh mess against my butt.

Mommy ran over to me, scooping me up in her arms and holding me close, kissing my cheek and forehead repeatedly as she started to rock me. "No, don't cry baby boy, mommy's here" she said as she rocked me.

"I sowwy mawmy! I cuddn't howd it!" I said through my sobs and cries, burying my face in her shoulder as I cried uncontrollably.

"Baby, baby, it's okay" she said in her most soothing voice. "You're a baby. That's why you're in diapers. That's what your diapers are for, sweetie."

"Y-y-you.....you nah mawd ah me?" I asked, lifting my head up from her shoulder, my sobs turning to sniffles as Liz started wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Of course not, baby. I told you from the start, this is what you're supposed to do. And look at you, such a brave boy going poopoo in your diapee!" she said cheerfully, smiling at me.

"I-I a bwave boy?" I asked, sniffling as she started to lift me up, cradling me in her arms as she started to walk with me into my new room.

"Yes sweetie. You're the bravest boy" she cooed as she walked with me. "Now come on baby boy, let's get that stinky butt in a fresh diapee, what do you say?"

"O-otay mawmy" I said, looking up at her, smiling softly, grateful that she wasn't mad at me for messing my diaper.

With one hand mommy laid me on a new piece of furniture in the room, an adult sized changing table, starting to untape my diaper, the full smell of the mess hitting me, the diaper having helped to hide most of it.

"Peeeeeuuuuu! Mommy has a little stinky boy, huh?" Mommy said, poking my belly as she put on some latex gloves before grabbing a handful of wipes and getting to work, helping me lift my butt off the dirty diaper and pulling it out from under me as I hid my face with my hands. She started wiping the mess off my butt and from between my cheeks, humming sweetly as she worked.

After what felt like forever she had finished wiping my butt clean, lowering me down onto the mat and starting to wipe off my front.

"Hmmmm, I think now might be a good time to give you another bath, sweetie" she said as she started to lift me up again.

"Nuuuu, I nu wan' 'nuder baff!" I said shaking my head side to side, feeling so little and childish. "Wan' pway!"

"No? What if mommy got all your new bath toys for you to play with?" Mommy asked, making my eyes grow wide before franticly nodding my head. "Otay mawmy!"

"Hehe, I thought so" mommy said as she started carrying me towards the bathroom.

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