🐺🚀~Surprise Visit~🚀🐺

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~~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~

It's been about a week since I had quit my job and I couldn't be happier. I've spent every day being babied and pampered. As the week went on I started noticing less and less when I'd use my diapers, which would normally be kinda scary, but with mommy always being there to change me I don't really mind.

As the light shines through my galaxy curtains the door to my nursery gently opens, Liz walking into the room and over to my crib.

"Rise and shine, my beautiful baby boy" she says in an almost singing tone, causing my eyes to flutter open slowly, recognizing the familiar feeling of a wet diaper between my legs, making me smile.

"Mownin Mawmy!" I say excitedly through my paci, sitting up and yawning as she lowers the side of the crib, picking me up with ease and patting my soaked diaper.

"My my, mommy has a little pee pee pants, doesn't she?" She teases gently as she carries me to the changing table, making me beam happily, her words being a title I'd wear with honor.

Mommy lays me down on the soft padded table, Gray still in my arms as I cuddle him tight as she sets out to change my used diapee.

"You're such a good boy using your diapees, Jay." She praises me, making me giggle happily as I suckle my paci happily as she wipes me clean and slips a new diapee under my butt, rubbing in baby lotion and powdering me generously before pulling the new lil monsters diaper up snuggly between my legs and taping it shut with practiced ease.

"There we go, bubba" she says, kissing my forehead, giggling as I hold out Gray before kissing his forehead as well.

She picks me up again, leaving me in just my diapee and t-shirt, carrying me to the living room as I snuggle into her, sucking on my paci contently. As we reach the living room she sets me down, allowing me to crawl over to my toys to start playing. About an hour into my game I hear the front door open, catching me off guard, but figuring it was just mommy going outside for something I continue playing until I heard footsteps stepping into the living room and hear a gasp. I turn to see Liz's parents and sister standing in the doorway, her sister Jen with her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh" Jen says as I freeze, Liz walking into the room.

"Mom! Dad! Jen! What are you guys doing here?" She asks as I start to get scared, tears starting to silently fall from my eyes as they talk.

"Well, we were just coming to visit you and Jay. We wanted to congratulate you two for finally moving in together" her mother says as she turns to look at me, the smile on her face dropping as she sees the tears running down my face.

Liz turns to me as she sees her mother's expression, now seeing me crying. "Jay, what's wrong, baby?" She asks as I break down, taking off running as she calls out after me.

I make my way into the nursery, ducking into the closet and curling up into a ball in the corner, sobbing silently, not wanting anyone to hear me.

"Jay? Come out baby! Everything's okay!" She calls out as I can hear her walking around the house looking for me. I cover myself with one of the spare blankets in the closet, still sucking on my paci for comfort, wishing I had grabbed Gray.

After a few minutes I finally hear footsteps approaching the closet, making me hold my breath as the door is opened, Liz careful pulling the blanket from over my head.

"What are you doing in here, silly boy?" She asks, concern riddling her face as she scoots in next to me, wrapping an arm around me to comfort me. "What's wrong?"

"Th-they... they saw me...I embarrassed you in front of your parents a-and sister" I say through tears and sobs.

"Sweetheart, you absolutely did NOT embarrass me. What ever makes you think you did?" She asks sincerely.

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