🎄☃️~Baby's First Christmas~☃️🎄

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It was early morning a week before Christmas as my eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing Mommy looking down at me, raking her fingers through my hair as she smiled sweetly.

"Good morning, munchkin" she sang sweetly, kissing my forehead as I sleepily rubbed your eyes and yawned.

"Mowning, Mawmy" I said, looking up at her, smiling softly as my vision started to adjust.

"Do you remember what we're doing today, sweetness?" Mommy asked as I started closing my eyes again, drifting back to sleep.

"Nuh uh, mawmy" I said sleepily, not remembering what today was.

"We're going to Little Dayz to see Santa!" Mommy said excitedly, making my eyes snap open with excitement.

"SANTA!" I yelled, shooting up in my crib and starting to bounce up and down, holding Gray as my pacifier dangled from my hooded galaxy footie pajamas.

"Inside voice, baby" Mommy said, giggling at my excitement as she lowered the bars to my crib, lifting me into her loving arms. "Lets go have breakfast then we'll get ready and go see Santa!"

I bounced excitedly in Mommy's arms as she carried me to the dining room, sitting me in my highchair and sitting a plate of my favorite breakfast: mini blueberry pancakes shaped like Christmas trees, bacon, and eggs in front of me along side my astronaut sippy cup full of orange juice. Mommy cut up my pancakes and stuck them on a rubber baby fork, lifting them to my mouth.

"Open the hatch for Santa's sleigh, baby boy!" Mommy said playfully as she swished the fork around, making me giggle as I opened my mouth wide, letting her pop the pancakes in my mouth, chewing on them happily. She repeated this with the eggs and bacon until my plate was empty, letting me take sips of my juice in between bites.

"Good boy!" Mommy praised, wiping the mess I made from my face with my bib as she smiles brightly. "Now, let's get you into a fresh diapee, sweetie."

I shift in my highchair a little, feeling my wet diaper under me, giggling a little, though it felt a little uncomfortable and cold now that the warmth of my pee had faded. Mommy lifted me up, carrying me to my nursery and laying me on my changing table, unzipping my jammies and sliding them off, making me shiver a little from the cold as she untapes my diaper, wiping me clean, the cold wipes making me shiver more before she powders and tapes up my fresh diaper, putting me in a long sleeved green shirt with Santa Clause on the front, sitting my feet on the floor and having me step into a pair of red overalls, snapping the suspenders before lifting me back on the table, slipping candy cane socks on my feet and green shoes on over them.

"There we go! All ready to go see Santa, now aren't we, baby" Mommy says, getting me excited to see Santa, having briefly forgotten we were about to go to see him.

"Santa, Santa, Santa!" I squealed excitedly, bouncing as Mommy lifted me up again, giggling as she popped a candy cane pacifier in my mouth and clipping it to my overalls, handing me Gray as she grabbed my diaper bag, carrying me out to the car and buckling me into my car seat and throwing a blanket over me to make sure I stay warm.

"Okay baby boy, you take a little nap with Gray and we'll be at the store to see Santa before you know it!" Mommy says as she starts to pull out of the driveway.

"Otay Mawmy" I said as I yawned, snuggling up to Gray as my eyes started to feel heavy again, soon drifting off to sleep as I watched the world moving outside the car window.

Before I knew it I was waking up to Mommy lifting me out of the back of the car and carrying me into the store. As my vision slowly cleared I could see a line leading to the middle of the store. Following the line of littles and their caregivers I saw him, sitting in a big chair in the middle of the store with a little sitting on his lap.

"Mawmy, it Santa!" I said, pointing excitedly at the big jolly man, bouncing the little on his lap.

"Yes it is, sweetie. Now I know you're excited to see Santa, but you have to be patient, okay? We have to wait our turn in line" Mommy said, walking up to the back of the line.

"Tay..." I said, pouting a little that I'd have to wait to see Santa, but you knew it'd be worth it in the end, giggling in my little mind at what I'd planned to ask Santa for.

After about forty minutes of waiting in line, nearly dozing off more than once, it was my turn to sit on Santa's lap. I wiggled out of Mommy's arms and ran excitedly up to Santa, sitting on his lap.

"Ho ho ho! Well now aren't we an excited little boy! What's your name, little one?" the jolly man asked, patting me on the head as Mommy smiled at me from a few feet away.

"My name Jay, Santa!" I said excitedly, grinning ear to ear as he started to bounce me a little.

"Well now, little Jay, what would you like for Christmas?" Santa asked. I began to list off all the things I wanted for Christmas before I started to tap my fingers together, feeling a little nervous before I finally leaned in close to the man, whispering the last thing I wanted in his ear.

Santa listened closely to what I had to say, glancing over at Mommy looking at me happily and smiling. As I pulled away, looking at Santa, a slight blush crossing my face as the man thought for a moment.

"Well now Jay, that's quite the tall order you have there, but I think I can handle it" he said, booping me on the nose, causing my face to light up as I bounced in his lap happily.

"Tanku Santa!" I said happily, causing the man to smile brightly as he chuckled, helping me down off his lap. I ran back over to Mommy, looking back at Santa and waving bye bye as Mommy picked me back up, holding me close.

"So, what was the last thing you ask for, sweetie?" Mommy asked, bouncing me a little and rubbing my back.

"Dat a secwet, Mawmy" I giggled, hugging her tightly as she carried me back out to the car.

"Oh? A secret now? Now mommy REALLY wants to know!" she giggled as she covered me back up, driving me back home as I dozed off again, snuggling Gray under my blankie.

~~~~~~~A Week Later~~~~~~~

I woke to mommy shaking me lightly, my eyes snapping open as she told me Santa had came. I darted into the living room, looking under the tree to see a mound of presents in colorful wrapping paper. I squealed as I ran over, tearing into the wrapping paper, getting new Nerf guns, stuffies, pacis, Transformers, and cute baby clothes. Once I was done and smiling brightly Mommy pulled me into her lap.

"So baby boy, did Santa bring you everything you wanted?" Mommy asked, bouncing me in her lap.

"Uh hun!" I said with a bright smile.

"So tell mommy, sweetie. What was the secret present you asked Santa for?" she asked.

"You weawwy wanna knows, mawmy?" I asked, turning around and looking into her eyes.

"Yes sweetie" Mommy said, looking back into mine.

"Ta be wif mawmy fowevur" I said, blushing a little as I smiled happily.

Mommy's eyes went wide, tearing up a little as she smiled. "Oh Jay, baby!" she exclaimed, leaning in to kiss me happily on the lips, my words making her heart melt as she held me tightly. "I love you, my little prince."

"I wuv ou toos, Mawmy!" I said as the two of us embraced and started to play with my new toys together until it was time to go to the family Christmas party.

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