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I stepped through the portal and I was met with an alley. I speed read all about earth so I know what they call things and what they do. I was going to go to the magic counsel first and make an okay for me to go practice there a small amount every day. I walked to the council doors and saw guards there. They put me at halt and I waited for someone to see who I was. When the doors opened from behind the two guards I saw it was that third man from when I was small "my dear dragonfly, why are you not wearing your tiara?" "Oh! Right!" I waved my hand over my forehead and it appeared the two guards mumbled an apology and let me through. "I never knew your name?" "Oh! I'm terribly sorry I am head of the counsel Hyberion. Now what are you doing here m'lady?" "My father gave me time off from school and let me travel the universe as long as I practiced a little every day here in the council. But he understands I don't particularly like wearing my tiara so that is why you saw me Without one." "Very well. Will 12:30 p.m. To 2:30 p.m. Be okay for each day?" "Yes it will." "I will tell the guards that you will be a regular here, and to let you in. At 12:30 I will have a man escort you from the doors to your training room." "That's wonderful, thank you!" "Can I ask a favor of you?" "Anything Hyberion." "There is a guild near and they are very troublesome, can you go and keep an eye on everything. And if an emergency comes up, you will be the one to handle it. Not them. Understood?" "Clearly!" He smiled and led me back towards the doors. He told the guards that any time I come to let me in. I made a portal to the town where fairy tail was said to be. I almost stepped through when Hyberion gave me a list of laws I need to set down to their master "I'll make shure it happens" "see you tomorrow dragonfly!" "Bye!" I stepped through after I put the list in my bag and took off my tiara. Now I looked like the girl from my dreams. In earth time was faster than Rayou so on earth I was eighteen. When I got on the other side of the portal I was met with another alley. I walked through and saw a train station and a sign that read 'Welcome To Mongolia' hmm Mongolia huh? Oh well. I looked like a normal teen and felt older. I guess time travels faster here so just by passing through my portal from home to here on earth I must have grown. I started walking around and looking at all the shops and buildings. I saw a blue flying cat that looked so cool but it left really fast following a pink blur. I kept walking and soon I saw the roof of a guild and smiled. Suddenly I was being dragged over to there and before I knew it I was inside being dragged. "Hey! Let me go!" No response "Don't make me mad!" Still nothing and the persons grip hardened. But we were inside the doors and people were staring "I warned you!!" I lit myself on fire and the grip loosened on my wrist. I was mad now "What the heck is wrong with you?!" My hair was moving around from the flames around by body. "Grey who is she?" I heard a boy's voice and I calmed down making the flames around my body dim leaving a slight glow. "humph" I saw the person who took me and he was just staring at me like I was crazy "who do you think you are, just taking me from my business? Just taking me here?" "Sorry. I'm grey. You...looked just like my late master Ur" my heart pounded. I got a flash of the girl I saw as myself only she was using ice magic. "You are not her, you use fire" I was so confused "and your point to just kidnap me from the streets!" "I wanted to talk." "We're talking." I was still extremely mad. I crossed my arms and glared at the man "I apologize for my friends actions. I'm Erza" a girl walked up to me "Dragonfly" "nice to meet you" "you to, although the way we met was not nice" "so, what are you doing on a day like this?" "I was doing a job for the magic counsel" "oh?" I was going to respond but I saw a mark on Erza the counsel showed me, it was the fairy tail mark. Well that's one way to get here "yes actually it has to do with fairy tail" "what is it?" "Ah, but first I have to speak to Makarov your master. Please" she raised an eyebrow and pointed a finger to a set of stairs that led to a door. I walked up to it and before I passed the grey person, I decided to freeze him over. Everyone was surprised especially him. It was special ice so breaking out of it would be impossible. I went up the stairs and knocked on the door after making my tiara appear.

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