Explain this

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We have been fighting for a while and am winning so far, he is powerful but I've had to use a lot of magic and I'm not used to that. "Good job today, work on using magic for long period of time, that is what your homework is today. See you tomorrow dragonfly" I smiled as I made a portal to fairy tail, when I got there Loki was telling a story it looked like to all the men as all the girls looked absolutely mad at him. "What did I miss?" Everyone turned to me and Erza came over "I understand why you got so mad at Loki now" "Loki did you tell everything?" He nodded and came over to me took my hand and led me to an area where there was nobody around. "Loki?" "I apologize for what I did, but now that we're both in fairy tail, we have to get along. You look good." "A-are you flirting with me?" "Mabie, is it working?" I stood and stared at him. "What are you trying to do here?" "Look." He paused "I want you back" "what?!" "Yea, I-" "did you get rid of Aries?" "Uh..." I punched him in the face also creating an explosion. "What the heck! You said you wanted me back but your still with Aries!?" A group of people rushed over and when they saw that we were fine they just watched us fight. "Are you joking me?" "No! I'm not I swear!" "But your still with her you ungrateful person!" Another punch that had him flying to the ground "I'll break it off with her!" "Like you did to me all those years ago!?" I only said that because I knew down here on earth it's been years since that happened "but your the only girl I ever truly loved!" What stopped in my tracks. Did he just say that? Am I dreaming? "What?" "You are the only girl I ever truly loved. I swear." I turned to the group and waved my hand making a sound barrier around me and Loki. "Leo...if that was true why would you still be with Aries?" I looked over my shoulder at him. The group could still see us just not what our conversation was. "Because I tried to distract myself from going after you, but it just haunted me the whole time." I fell to the floor on my knees as tears sprung to my eyes. "Why. Why did you NOT come after me?" "I was to stupid to" I sniffed. "I still don't like you cheated on me four years in a row." "I know, and I am so sorry. I will do anything" he kneeled down to me and hugged my figure "anything?" "Anything" "if I brought Aries down here, you would end things with her and not mention me as I stayed hidden?" Silence "Leo?" He pulled back and nodded his head. I got up and so did he. I waved my hand so the group could hear us again. "Leo, you better keep your promise" I walked towards a rock like cliff trying to avoid questions from everyone on what happened. After I climbed onto the rock out of sight Loki was still looking at me and knocked his head. I looked down on him and used my magic to bring Aries down right next to Loki. "Leo, what a surprise, what's up?" "Aries, I'm breaking it off with you." "W-what? W-why Leo why?!" "I don't love you. It's the truth" she looked down at the ground and mumbled something to Leo and I made her disappear. Leo looked up to me and smiled. I went down the rock and silently put a sound barrier up around the two of us "you okay Leo?" "Yea" "what did she say at the end?" "She just said she was sorry. But I love you dray." "I love you to Leo" "everyone calls me Loki, but it's good to hear my real name." We held hands and I waved the sound barrier away. Elfman was looking at the ground Erza was smiling as was Lucy and Mirjane, Natsu came up to me and challenged a rematch. "Okay Natsu, I bet I can beat you in less than I minute." "What if you don't?" "If I don't? Hmm, I cook anything for you for a solid month whenever you want." He smiled "but if I do, then what will you give me?" "Ah..hm...mm....ah, I don't know... I could let you remodel my home or make me do somethin' I don't like" "deal" "cool" "Leo start us" he went to let go of my hand but I gripped it and he smiled, he knew what I was going to do. It is getting dark which meant the stars were coming out. "Well then. Start." "Star Magic:lash!" The stars went above Natsu and followed him as he tried to dodge it but failed. The few stars connected and rained down onto Natsu beating him up. "Dragon slayer secret art!" "DRAGONFLY MAGIC: MIRROR" it rebounded him "Star magic combination: lash,whip,and sting!" The stars connected and lashed down on him while I gained a whip in my hand of connected stars. After the lash on him was done small pointy stars pinned him to a wall as the sting move and I whipped the walls behind him, but I got a small slice on his finger making him bleed. "Natsu are you done?" I haven't moved one inch and I was using one hand because the other was attached to Leo. "Nope. Dragon slayer:roar!" "dray magic:muse!" I sent my high pitched music notes toward his fire. My notes screeched when the fire hit them "muse absorb" then my notes absorbed his fire and was still flying towards Natsu. I made them stop inches away from his face. "I won Natsu, I don't want to hurt you." I started to walk away still holding hands with Leo. "Your just scared I will beat you!" Natsu yelled after me. I let go of Leo's hand and faced him "What!?" "You heard me, your scared." Leo stepped back behind a rock and seeing this the group did so as well "dragon slayer magic:combo!" I held me arms out and my palms flat horizontal. The fire,air and water went next to each other forming a triangle and some vines from earth blinded them together in a spear like thing. I sent it flying towards him and made a reflective bubble around me the guild the town all the people, except him. It blew up on him like a nuclear bomb. When all the smoke cleared everything was fine EXEPT Natsu. His cloths were torn and he had scraped and bruises all over his body. His eyes were closed signaling that he was knocked out. I glared down at him. I felt a hand clasp to mine as I looked back at Leo. "Think I went to hard?" "Na,he will be fine" "okay" the group that was watching us fight looked stunned "and that my friends is why you never say dray is to scared or a whimp to do something" I smiled at Leo's words. It did make me angry when people say I'm to afraid to beat them, to afraid to hurt somebody I know. They were right, I was afraid to hurt one of my friends, but a time will come where that doesn't matter. I will have to obey the counsel and possibly go against my friends. I walked with them back to the guild and everyone was freaking out over what the explosion was. Oops I forgot to put a blind bubble with the protection one so they did not see. "I'm sorry everyone that was me battling Natsu!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. I had no scraped. Nothing hurt. Natsu probably would be fazed for the rest of the night. My dial beeped and I took it out. I set it on a table along with my ainto and pushed some buttons. "Hey Chichi" "dragonfly! How's it doing on earth? And in the counsel?" I flinched. I looked at Leo who had a questioning face on and i mouthed 'I'll tell you later' I went to the dial and pressed the center. Nothing came up "Chichi where are you?" "Uh...I'm actually at your school!" "On Rayou?" "On earth" "chichi I don't go to school on earth" "uh, yea you do look outside." I ran to the windows and saw father standing there. I ran to the window and threw open the door and speed ran into his arms. We hugged like that for a small while when Leo came up behind be and dad pulled apart. "Dray, I thought I let you travel the universe so that you could get away from Leo" "I know dad, but he joined fairy tail and we made up and plus I am on a job for the counsel." "That so?" "Yes, and it kinda requires me to stay in fairy tail." "Very well. Do I get to see your living quarters?" "Uh... I don't have any..." A picture of a house flashed in my mind and then another with that home on fire. searing pain went through my body as I fell to my knees. Leo tried to figure out what's wrong but Chichi remained calm, he kneeled right in front of me, put his hand on the back of my neck and blackness surrounded me.

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