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He smiled and then suddenly a bunch of bombs went off, good thing I put a protective barrier around the council. "How dare you!" I yelled. He was startled that I did not get any scratch and the council members were unharmed. He tried to retreat. "Oh no you don't! Dragonfly wings." A pair of dragonfly wings sprouted from my back. I sped and caught him off guard. "Let's talk first" he said, I pulled my fist away. "What?!" Dray expert spell:capture. I thought, he was now in an invisible spell. "If you make contact with me you will blow up" "thanks for the notice, I don't have to touch you." My wings dissolved and I fell to the floor but I landed with grace. The man laughed then tried to speed off again. But running into the walls of my cage. " wha-?" "That would be my fault, you are now in a cell designed to suppress your powers to z.e.r.o." I smirked and he started freaking out. "Detonate!" He yelled. We waited but nothing came. Then he started to panic. I brought the box down to my level. "Well, then. Where do you want him?" I asked the council. They pointed to a man that stepped forward. "I'll take him" he said. "Oh, sure, can you control his prison?" He did not speak. "Didn't think so" he pointed to a broken down staircase. I walked down it and walked to an empty cell. I made the bars disappear, and put him in it, these cells were also made to suppress Magic, I just upped his a lot more. "What is your name?" He turned his head to the side. I entered his mind but stayed undetected. 'I can't even detonate myself how am I supposed to not give away everything. Ugh. I'm the stupidest one out of all of us.' He turned to me but before he could look at me I made an irritated look on my face. When he saw that he smirked. 'She ant going to get anywhere. She is cute though, hm, it could be possible to turn her on our side. She is very strong' I struggled to keep on the irritated face with him calling me cute and complementing me. "I just need to know a small amount of things." I sat criss crossed on the floor in front of his cell. 'How is it possible that this girl got any cuter!' Suddenly I herd commotion up-stairs. I snapped up and ran out the door. When I saw what was going on I started to freak. There was arrows flying towards the council members. I looked around. The building was destroyed from the other guys bombs, so that made them vulnerable. Advanced fighting:magnet all the arrows came at me as I magnetized them. I closed my eyes and now! They all turned to ash. A mist spread around and all the counselors dropped to the floor. "No!" I ran to them and felt their pulse. Nothing. All dead. I looked up and was not sure what to do. I looked down and let out a frustrated sigh. I walk back down to the first guys cell and sat where I say criss crossed. I folded my arms and went into his mind. 'The others must be here, the job is done but I will be killed unless I can get another, which would be her.' I look him in the eye and he tensed. "Can you tell me anything?" I asked him. He turned his head to the side. "What would be your strongest wish?" He asked me. I was startled, I looked at him with wide eyes but I stayed silent, not sure of what I want. "I'm not sure..." I looked down and prayed back to his mind. How do I get her to make a wish? How can I insure anything so she will let me go, or join us?" "I'll come back tomorrow, goodbye." I said and stood up. I walked back to the guild and I opened the doors, everyone went quiet as I came in and Leo materialized in front of me and asked what happened. "The council members have been murdered. I couldn't save them" I feel to my knees as I felt a deep sorrow in my chest, I was not able to save the ones I was made to save. Everyone gasped or stayed silent, Leo kneeled in front of me and hugged me as I sobbed into his shirt.

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