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I got everything perfect for when he might come. A small while later there was nothing but I told myself to be patient. I walked over to the water and looked out to the horizon. A pair of arm wrapped around me and I could tell it was Elfman. I looked up to him and smiled. We spent all day at that place, talking, and cuddling. When the sun began to set we watched it. I looked to him and kissed him. Then he unexpectedly got down on one knee, though he was still at eye level because of his hight.
"Ultear, Dragonfly, Kiru. I loved every one of you and I still love you. Will you please stay with me forever? Will you marry me?"
I started crying, I didn't trust myself with words so I nodded. When he got up he placed a ring on my finger.

We spent the rest of the night there

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We spent the rest of the night there...

Dragonfly (completed)Where stories live. Discover now