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I woke up to see Leo's face again. I sat up and looked around. I'm in the guild infirmary again. "So Leo what happened?" "After your sparing session with Jellal?" "After we left the counsel hall" "well you passed out from magic drainage, I carried you here, and you became a celebrity with everyone." "A celebrity?" "Yea, everyone looks up to how you fight and how you kept protecting me" I smiled and got up "Leo?" "I'm right here" "have you gone back to regain your strength?" "No, I have been watching over you" "go home. And when you feel rested, then you can come back okay?" I turned my head to the side with a smile. He smiled back as he dissolved. I walked out of the infirmary and everyone cheered. Suddenly a frog thing burst in the doors asking for me. I speed ran up to the thing "I am dragonfly, what's wrong?" "The counsel needs you now!" I nodded and made a portal and went inside. When I went through the the other side I speed ran all the way to the meeting room "dragonfly here" as I stopped and everyone turned their heads to me "ah, dragonfly, good that you are here take a seat." I nodded and sat down where told "now that we are all here I can discus the business of fairy tail." "They destroy everything!" "You need to dispatch them!" "Let's here from dragonfly" they all turned to me "I agree they are reckless but the time I have been staying there they-" "dragonfly what's wrong?" I stood and looked at the ceiling "Dray magic. Reveal" I whispered and suddenly a man came crashing through the roof and I got into battle mode, I kept my mind open. "Dray magic:protect" I whispered again towards the counsel members. Good. Now they will be protected. "Ohh, you got me, I was going to give the element of surprise!"

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