Passing out

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I saw a huge monster and then me, I was fighting with ice. Only it was not me of I would feel ice in my body. I made ice, yea that girl is not me. I watched her as she turned to ice with the giant monster. She was speaking to a boy that looked like grey. But smaller. It could be a toddler grey. The girl turned into ice and the boy cried and my body was lifted off the ground and carried away with a small busy in my hand. My hands were tiny like a time before that day in the room with Chichi. *gasp* what if this was a memory of mine from before then? Ugh this is frustrating! When I thought that a black mist came out of my whole body I saw an image of Leo and everything before then forgotten. I opened my eyes to see Leo but I could not remember my strange dream. "Leo?" He looked at me "hm?" "What happened?" "Well when your father came you went into some kind of pain and he made you black out, he said it was a painful memory and he erased it." "Why would he erase it" "it would be to painful for you to keep it" "oh" I looked around and saw I was in the guilds infirmary "everyone is waiting for you" Leo spoke up I nodded and he helped me off the bed. I walked out the doors as people hugged me, asked me what happened, if Natsu did anything, who was that man I hugged yesterday. Wait, yesterday? "Leo how long was I out?" "One day" I looked at the time, oh gosh. I'm so lucky it's only a minute away from training time. "I will answer all your questions after I get back!" "Dray, where are you going?" Aww Leo! So sweet, your worried for me. Other that of wondering if he should be jealous or not "you can come I guess" I said to Leo "dray, I wanna come!" "Yea me to" "count me in!" "Yea" oh jeez. Everyone wanted to come and see what I was doing. "Um guys I can't bring you all!" I just got an idea "this will help!" I made a crystal ball and when people look at it they see me from a far perspective. "There" I let it go and it hovered in the air. Right now if say Gageel were to look in it he would see me in the guild hall. "Bye guys!" I waved my hand and made a portal. I grabbed Leo's hand and walked through. When we stepped out on the other side I had my tiara on and the guards opened there spears but after I walked in they closed the spears on Leo. "he is my boyfriend." They immediately opened their spears and Leo walked through "how did you do that?" "My statice in power gives you statice in power" I walked to where I met Jellal yesterday and told Leo to stay off to the side. I walked to the center and closed my eyes. 'Movement on left, dagger on right' by body screamed at me. I did a backflip to avoid the daggers and punched and kicked in the air at the movement. Eventually my foot made impact but they couldn't move. Jellal had gripped my swung for and pushed me backwards so I few back. He became noticeable and I slowly fell to the ground. "Impressive dray, good job" "my pleasure Jellal" he swung his staf at the ground and it made the ground shake and three spiky branches flew at me. I kicked one and broke it. Hit one with my hand but I missed the third and it made a cut on my side. "Dray, keep your mind open" "yea,yea" 'glass shard moving on your right heading to Leo "darn you Jellal!" I speed walked over to where Leo was watching and pushed his out of the way just in time for him to miss the shard. But not me it stuck into my leg and I removed it "Jellal, when did we one up this training?!" "Every day we one up it" I groaned and threw the shard off to the side. "The enemy will look for your weaknesses, they will not hold back. They could be faster than you. Stronger. They could read your mind to make a move." He disappeared again "so open your mind" 'daggers pinpointing your spot!' I jumped into the air which was hard with a leg that has been stabbed 'staff to your left' I used my graviton all pull to pull me to the ground 'movement on your right!' As I started to move back I heard a 'daggers to your back' so I quickly flopped on the ground 'spikes under' I grabed my whip and swung myself to a tree 'tree on fire' I made a water bubble around the tree and made it pop shards as I pinpointed where he would go next 'swords surrounding up and down with sides' I made an invisible mirror around me so anything that came would bounce right back. The swords came forward and bounced back, two were heading for Leo I made a mirror around him and while using that created a flat area under me to rise using roots. I felt so drained. Keeping up with protecting Leo and protecting myself at the same time as keeping my mind open. '------ -- ---- -- ---- left' I was not focused hard enough I jumped and came into contact with a dagger wall. High up and far below. I just made a root wall to take them. I collapsed to the ground with the top half of my body still up-straight. While still having the mirror around Leo and having my mind open. 'Hand attack right' I made a force blow Jellal back and I saw him reappear on the ground with his eyes closed. I sighed and collapsed to the ground fully and released everything. I was breathing heavy as Leo came over and tended to my wounds. "That was intense" "yea" "you do this every day?" "Harder every day" a good silence fell between us when I opened my mind again 'surprise attack when you get up on Leo' I kept my mind open when Leo helped me back on my two feet 'right' I made a mirror on my right and kept walking six full swords stuck in the mirror. They must be magic swords to not bounce back. I looked over at Jellal to see him standing " I'm actually glad you brought your friend, it used as a helpful target to drain you" "yea, whatever, see you tomorrow" "see yea." I hobbled with an arm over Leo's shoulder and got out. When we left I tried to make a portal but failed. "I'm to drained" "I'll carry you there" I smiled weakly as I passed out in Leo's arms.

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