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He gave me the gracious name of Kiru, the name that means kill. I walk around with them and learn all new abilities I have. I can tell when people are lying to me and I can look into their mind to seek the truth. I now wear a short purple dress with thigh high boots and gloves. When I made my wish my hair grew out and I wear a mask that the master says 'keeps the light away.' I learned to move and hear all advanced to me with the mask on me. I also learned to wield a new weapon, a sword with a chain on it. I walk over to the master.
"Go to fairy tail and take them out."
"Or we could use me as bait, act like I was kidnapped, then when you take who comes go rescue me there will be none left."
"Good idea..go chain yourself up and I will have someone whip you to make it look like torchere." I nod and go chain myself up.

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