My wish

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I had stopped crying a while ago and the guild has gone into a sorrowful celebration of the council members lives. Leo and I have moved from the floor to a table in a corner, he knew from our time together that I held onto saving others as my salvation. Feeling stiff from sitting there all night I abruptly stood surprising the ones around us, I walked to the door but made a portal. Leo tried to go through with me but I passed to fast once on the other side I turned to face the man who started this. He looked up at me and frowned. She looks pale, I wonder if she is sick. "What is your name?" I ask turning fully to him. "I am Jackal." "I am dragonfly. You asked what my wish was yesterday...I know I have many..." I speak softly " my most wanted wish is to never be subjected to lies and be able to help people" I say at the ground which seems to startle him, but after I said my wish he slightly smiles. "Would you give your soul to do that?" He asked pressing himself up agains his prison bars. "Yes" I whisper. A black light formed beneath me and ribbons of it trail up my body changing my appearance and clothing (the top picture). I felt stronger. I looked over to Jackal and he was smiling, I waved my hand and his bars disappeared. "Follow me" he said. I followed him all the way to their layer, surprisingly it was not to much far away. He led me to where the leader of all of them was, he introduced me as dragonfly but i interrupted him. "I don't want my name to be dragonfly, choose a new fitting one for me." I spoke to the leader, who accepted me and gave me a new name.

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