16. Your side

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I saw Draken get punched in his face. I wanted to get to his side and protect him, protect him from any danger.
I was about to go to his side, but was stopped by Umemiya.

"You are not going anywhere" he told me sternly.
"do you know him Mai?"Kotoha asked me
"Yes. He is my best friend, I need to go and help him" after I said that, everyone looked at me confused.
"...how do you know that person? We never saw him in our town" Hiragi questioned me.

"I don't have time for this" I said, as I broke Kotoha's hug and started running towards the battle field, but was stopped. Someone grabbed my wrist, I tried to wiggle free, but couldn't.

"Suo, let go of me" now I was getting king of mad.
"Now-now there is no rush, is there?" He smiled at me"plus we got company" now I was confused.

I looked around and found many delinquents grouped around us.
"Are you all friends of that loser?"
"Did you guys come here to aid him"
"Shouldn't have bought girls with you"
"Well you all seem pathetic, but might as well have some fun"

"Hey you know let's make a deal here. If you give me that cute chick, then I might let y'all off the hook" a guy from the crowd offered, referring to me.

When I looked back at Umemiya, some vain popped out of his temple.
Now he glared at him.
There are 15-20 people surrounding us.

Sakura dashed in and started fighting.
We were all dumbfounded, when he did that.

"We are the wind breakers, aren't we?" He said, as he punched another guy.

Hiragi grinned at that.
Ok not gonna lie, but it kind of creeped me out a little. He grinned instead of taking his stomach ache medicine.

After some time, they all started charging in.
I looked at where Draken was, I saw that he was about to get punched so I screamed "IT IS ME, YOU DAMNED IDIOT. FOCUS"

I somehow managed to get to his side.
Only to see someone hit him on his head by a metal pipe because he was able to punch South on the face and somehow made his nose bleed.

Eh this seems kind of familiar.
"KEN-CHIN" I screamed again.
Both Draken and South looked in my direction.

"Oi Mikey, is that you?" South asked
"Oh looked Draken, she came here to avenge you..how sweet and pathetic" he mocked.

Draken clicked his tongue and crunched his face.
"Yeah and what if she did? After all she always got our us Toman members backs" He looked at me and smiled.
I felt something warm pass through my heart.

I see two people holding Kenny back by his arms so that he can't fight back and one person has a metal pipe on his hand.

He is probably the one who hit Draken with the pipe. It made my blood boil, so I quickly charged in.

I kicked the two boys who were holding Draken down, all at once and then I eyed the person who hit him. The boy was shaking violently because of the fear.

He tried to hit me with the pipe but failed to do so, as I dodged it and kicked him on the gut. He coughed up blood then I punched him in the face, to which he went flying backwards.

"Ken-chin" I called out again. I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes,
I tried to hold back but couldn't.

Eventually the tears fell, as I felt something wet on my cheeks. I jumped onto Draken and hugged him, trying desperately to feel the warmth again, that always used to envelope me.

"Oh Mikey" Draken hugged me back.
I cried on his shoulder.

"Ah what a heart touching reunion" South butted in, disturbing our moment.

Umemiya's pov:

I was fighting, to keep people safe. I looked back at everyone who was fighting.

Suo, Sakura, Hiragi and .... Where is she?

I looked behind me, Kotoha was standing with both of her hands to her chest and Nirei was in a protective stance inspite of himself shaking, he was reassuring her that 'everything is going to be fine'

My eyes glanced everywhere.
I finally found her, she is..... hugging someone and crying in his arms and there is also a person who seems to be dangerous.

She is in danger.

I need to do something, I need to save her. Just wait for me a bit Mai, your big brother is going to be right there for you.

I started getting more serious, as I saw that big guy walking towards her.
Is she scared?is that why she is crying? But that is no excuse to hug a stranger, he could hurt you at any given moment.
I won't forgive him.

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