4. His hero

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Damn it, I can't believe it

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Damn it, I can't believe it.
I fell to the ground when I kicked only one person WHO was 'Weak' as hell and that person only back downed a bit.
That's it?

Is this how much weak I have gotten?
Truly pathetic of me.

But ofcourse I have no right to judge people of being weak when I myself am like this.

I still remember how people used to fall back just by one kick of mine.
No one could stop that kick, the only one who ever could was Izana.

Oh big brother.

At that time you wanted to come back didn't you?
Your eyes spoke everything, but then Kisaki that bastard he....he shot you.

While I was consumed by my own thoughts, I did not realise that Kotoha was hugging me.

"W-what the-"

"I was so scared, don't do anything like that again get it? Don't put yourself into danger again." Kotoha scolded me.

"Huh?" Yeah I didn't even do that to save you or something, I only did it to test my strength and my strength is zero to no. Damn it.
Plus I am going to a school of a bunch of delinquents, ofcourse there is going to be trouble.

"Kotoha. Don't tell me that you got yourself into trouble again" said Hiragi.

"Oh and are you alright Mai? If you can't fight don't jump into battle." Hiragi said to me.
"You a first year? thanks for holding them on for me" he said to the dual haired boy while holding a baseball bat that was about to strike us.

"Wanna go? then let's go, you all are dead" Hiragi threatened while breaking the bat in half.

He and the other furin members started to fight those morons.

While those commotions were going on someone was about to punch the dual haired boy but Hiragi kicked that guy in the stomach and he went flying back hitting the wall.

Then told him "If you can't fight then stand back"

Those delinquents, who were causing ruckus were loosing.
Then the people started cheering for them.


Couldn't they have stepped up, except for just spectating?

Couldn't they have stepped up, except for just spectating?

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After all that ruckus Hiragi started their famous quoto.
Meanwhile Kotoha was explaining the history of bofurin.

Then the people also started praising the dual haired boy, while at it I just stayed in a corner and watched.

An old lady kneeled down in front of that boys legs and wanted to pachup the injury, that he had in his ankle.

But he shouted at her and told her to stop, for a moment he seemed scared.

I went up to him and kneeled down in front of his injuryed leg and took the bandages and started to pach him up.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He asked me. I had no intention of replying back to him as it's obvious, what I am doing.

Sakura pov:

I saw that silver haired dude walking towards me and then he kneeled down to where I had my injury then he started to pach it up, by the bandages.

I stuttered a bit while asking what he was doing and a blushed.

I could see his bangs in an uneven shape, hiding his face. He did not reply to my question and kept on doing, what he was doing.

"H-hey don't just ignore me" I said, not wanting him to get quickly over with it

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"H-hey don't just ignore me" I said, not wanting him to get quickly over with it.

He still didn't reply.

After he wa done he got up and started walking away from me.

No wait I wanted to scream but I didn't,  instead I said

"HEY I am talking to you" He turned around and looked towards my direction, bangs covering his eyes then again started walking away.

Kotoha scolded her about being rude, I didn't really like that he just started there and listened to some bullshit.

I walked up to him and said "you are not a 6 year old kid, you don't have to listen to some nagging of wannabe mom-"

"Hey watch your mouth kid. She is Kotoha, you are talking to" A black haired tude told me.

"Oh yeah, you got a problem with a way I talk? Mind your own business punk"

"Hiragi stop them" Kotoha said to a dirty blonde haired guy.

"Listen now he is going to kill you if he finds the way you are talking to her kid" said the guy now known as Hiragi.

"Oh yeah? Who gives a damn about what he thinks anyway, plus he wasn't that rude. That's the way he is so leave him alone" Kotoha said to Hiragi.

Now, how the hell would she know the way I am anyway? She just met me, she doesn't know a damn thing about me and also who is that 'he' they are talking about?

There I saw a guy coming towards the silver haired dude so I ran and then jumped into his face.

And said "So you guys wanna save people and play the hero huh? Well then I am also gonna go with that shit and protect him"

'Him?' everyone thought 'who is he referring to?'

"I am going to protect him and become his hero"

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