Sight Seeing

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I woke up to the morning sunlight shining into my room. I twisted my body away from the light but something felt heavy on me, and i mean heavy.

"ughh get off.." i sleepily rubbed my eyes and tried to push the thing off me. "hm.." a groan came from someone, that someone being Logan.

"oh" i closed my eyes again and played with his knuckles. "does that ever hurt?" i said quietly. "yes, all the time." I jumped to the response. "oh shit logan!" i grabbed my heart while he just laughs at me and turns in the bed leaving me free.

"gosh one day im gonna burn you." i twisted with him and laid on his chest. "oh well." he puts his hand behind his head and sprawled out on the bed.

"Okay take up all the room!" i roll my eyes at him. He just shrugged and laughed. "so what was last night about?" i asked him "dont worry about it." he looked towards the half shining window.

"alright, so whats up for today?" i asked sitting up in bed. "your hair is what." he chuckled getting out of bed. "what?" i grabbed the small mirror beside my bed and looked into it. "your fucking kidding me." i pulled at my hair all but knots stopping my fingers.

"i need a shower." baths were never my friend, i always ended up with hella knots and unbrushable hair.

I pulled the sheet away from my body and headed to the bathroom. Logan already brushing his teeth. "gosh no clothes ya creep?" he had a mouth full of toothpaste. He just pointed to his boxers and made angry grunts to me.

I turned on the cold water and got undressed, i later got in. "yknow, cold showers are like hot for me?" i said to logan scrubbing my hair with shampoo. "really?" he hopped on the counter playing with his claws.

"yeah." I washed out the shampoo and squeezed in conditioner. "hey logan?" "hold that thought curls, someones at the door." I heard him unlock and open the door to the bathroom and his loud footsteps traveled to his front door.

I finished showering and wrapped a towel around me. "heya curls, some kid who looks like you wants ya." he pointed to the door "oh tell him ill be a minute." Too late daxton pushed logan out the way "Yo! hows my sister- WOAH!!" he said walking in and walking out.

"oh shit daxton?!" i run to my room. "sister?" logan pointed to my door and to daxton.

I quickly throw on some over sized clothes logan let me borrow. I open the bathroom door and make my way to logans room. "hey daxton." i wrap my arms around myself.

"Never in my life do i wanna walk in on you." i pointed to me "tell that to Mr.Still in his boxers." i gave logan a side eye. "whats up though?" i look back over to daxton.

"well nothing really.. just wanna see how you were doing" he asked me "im doing just fine, there ya go." i waved him off. "alright alright.." he put his hands up in the air shaking his head.

"im gonna actually change and do my hair." i pointed to my room. "alright curls." i walked to my room leaving logan and daxton.

—— (logans pov) ——

"curls? are you fucking my sister dude?!" he looked me dead in my eyes. "uhh.." i shrugged. "you.. keep your dirty animal claws off her." he got up and pointed his finger in my face.

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