The School of The Gifted

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My Body is finally cold; I can feel the coldness wrap around my body like a blanket. But i shouldnt be cold. im hot all the time now, i shall never feel the cold again.
I feel a prick in my arm. i quickly snap myself awake and jump off what was holding my weightless body. I grab the person by the neck "where am i." i say in a deep pant.

But yet I didnt even give them enough time to choke out their words, I was out the door in a few matter of seconds.

I look up and down the hallway for an exit. Yet it was just a bright white hallways filled with baby blue walls and the letter X planted on every door. I rush down the hallway coming to a stop when i see leathery suits hanging in glass boxes. 'over here' Theres that voice again.

I Peek over to the side to where there was an open cabinet. I Grab the overly large hoodie and throw it on. 'this way' There it is again. I rush to hide but the wall that was hiding me slid open.
I quickly take the sliding door to another level.

The once blue hallways turn into dark wood and school like hallways. 'come here' This fucking voice. i feel like im talking to myself everytime is talks.

"where the fuck is this exit.." i talk to myself before child like screams start to fill the hallways
"shit." I run behind a column and hold my breath as kids past by. "i need to get outta here." i dot my head towards two large doors "finally."

I quickly dash to the doors. "im fr-" i bump into a large person "well shit." i look up at the man.
He has Red glasses on, brown short hair and a sleak smile on his face.

"Saeleys right?" he holds out his hand for me. "yes... who are you." i death stare into his glasses as i grab onto his hand. He quickly helped me up "Im scott Summers, and where do you think your going?" he grabbed onto my wrist and started taking me down the hallway to a X door.

"Hey! Let go of me!" i struggle under his grasp my feet dragging under me to slow him down but that didnt even help.

"Charles! i found your missing person." he jokes
"i am not missing!" he lets go of me and kindly pushes my towards the man in the wheelchair.

"Ah, thank you scott. saeleys meet scott summers." he greets us "yeah yeah i know who he is." i mean mug him as i rub my wrist with my free hand as he just smiles back at me.

"Saeleys do you remember anything?" The bald man asks. I look at him in confusion "uh i remember waking up in a cold room." i scratch my head as im trying to remember what last happened. "wait... wheres oscar?!" i look around frantically. "oscar is safe, he was transfered to a more serious mutant hospital." pause. "wait.. mutant?" i respond back

"Well yes, we are all mutans here. here follow me." he comes from behind his desk to out the door. i hesitated on following him, i looked a scott and he gave a smiling nod.

"here at my school, mutants like you are safe, loved and free." we make it down the hallways as hes speaking to me i doze off to myself, slowly drowning him out but still listening.
We make it back to his office "So what do you say saeleys, care to stay?" he questioned me. "i- i just dont know." i played with my fingers. "thats alright, we always have an open room for you."

The door behind me unlocked and opened to 3 people coming in. "ah saeleys, i want you to meet ororo munroe also known as storm, jean gray and scott summers." he greets them as rhey walk in one by one.

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