12 YITF, Chapter 6: The Elevator Pt. 2

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A/N: Heres' the rest of the chapter! Sorry for not updating Wednesday, I wasn't in the writing mood this week. - Naomi 

"Let's play a game." He suggested in that way that was more of an order than a question. Anyone else would have gotten an immediate no and been told to shut the f*ck up. But it was Drew and as much as I hated it at the time, I still had a weak spot for him.

"Alright," I laughed humorlessly, "What game are we going to play?"

"Intrusive Truths. It was a game that I played with my college team as a team bonding exercise. Everything that's said or done in here stays in here. I ask you a question and then you counter with your own. I can ask anything I want. There is no such thing as too personal in this game. You get one skip, but other than that you have to answer. The punishment for lying was running laps tied to bricks and sand bags, but I think we don't have to follow that last rule." He explained, smiling the entire time.

"When do I get another Skip?"

"When we play again." He said and sat on the floor, legs crossed like we were still kids. I chuckled and took off my jacket, following his lead but tucked my legs in and resting my head on my knees.

"I'm ready." I announced.

"Are you seeing anyone right now?"


"Me too. For a while now. I've been busy with this new job here and dating is hard. Next question, are you still gay?" He quizzed and didn't hold back.

"What kind of question is that?"

"The kind that I ask. Do you want to use your skip?"

"No, I'm still gay. Just surprised you asked that question. You can't really turn it off, right?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"What about you? Still bi?"

"Yep. didn't go through any soul searching. Didn't have to go on a spiritual retreat and make out with a guy named Jerry. Though I did make out with a guy named Jerry, just not on a spiritual retreat." He divulged holding up a hand and stage-whispered the last part. I tried to hide a grin but he could see the corners of my mouth fighting to stay neutral.

"Alright. That stuff was easy. Let's do rapid fire." He suggested and rubbed his hands together.

"Shoot." I replied confidently. There was nothing that I really wanted to hide, and how bad could it be?

"How many guys have you dated since high school?"

"Relationships that lasted longer than a month, six." He gave me a genuinely shocked look.

"How many did you have?" I countered and cocked my head to the left.

"At least twelve. Longer than one month I mean." I must have looked just as shocked because he smirked and shrugged as if to say, It's not my fault people love me. Which itself is such a Drew thing to say.

"What college did you end up going to, and what major?" He refocused and asked.

"Penn State, and Finance major, duh. What about you? Where did you end up?"

"San Diego State and sports major on a football scholarship. But after two years I changed my major to sports management so I could focus on coaching." I had expected him to go for football, but I had no idea why the change to coaching.

"What's the worst date you went on?" he continued, twirling his hair between his fingers.

"The guy puked on me after getting food poisoning and made me pay the bill."

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